Here is another source that talks about the Korean annual age for legal purposes

There are many other sources that will tell you for LEGAL purposes like alcohol consumption and military enlistment they use the KOREAN ANNUAL AGE. When everyone turns a year older on Jan 1. This is DIFFERENT from the Korean age where you turn 1 when you are born. In the Annual Age you still start at 0 but on Jan 1 everyone turns 1.
I’m posting this because I’m dead tired of seeing the same dumb people under every Kai post.
If your random twitter translator told you international age 28 they are WRONG because the Korean military doesn’t even USE INTERNATIONAL AGE. What might have happened is since many people have birthdays later in the year many will still be 28 international age when they enlist at 29 Korean annual age.
EVERY SINGLE EXO MEMBER other than ksoo enlisted when their Korean annual age is 29. All of them. This is not some recent development this is not some random made up thing where only Kai is doing it. It’s not his fault he was born in January eye-
Anyway SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop sharing random twitter translations with wrong info.
It’s getting tiring.