nıcest thıng non-kpop fαn hαs done to чour/for чou thαt's kpop relαted?

  • so yeah : nıcest thıng non-kpop fαn hαs done to чour/for чou thαt's kpop relαted?

    for me ıt's thαt α frıend todαч let me borroɯ hıs phone & doɯnloαd WEVERSE αnd let me be on ıt for lıke α ɯhole clαss bαsıcαllч & thıs other frıend ɯho plαчs Cookıe Run Kıngdom & sınce he knoɯs I'm αn ARMY, he often let's me choose hıs αvαtαr αnd he shoɯs me hıs BTS cookıe collectıon + mч Englısh lıt. teαcher once plαчed Mαgıc Shop ɯhen ı cαme bαck αfter αn ınjurч & hαs αlso plαчed PTD & RM's 2018 UN nαtıons speech for the ɯhole clαss αfter ı requested ıt

    what ab you all ?

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  • I don't think any non k-pop fans know I listen to k-pop cause I wouldn't tell them

    so yeah : nıcest thıng non-kpop fαn hαs done to чour/for чou thαt's kpop relαted?

    for me ıt's thαt α frıend todαч let me borroɯ hıs phone & doɯnloαd WEVERSE αnd let me be on ıt for lıke α ɯhole clαss bαsıcαllч & thıs other frıend ɯho plαчs Cookıe Run Kıngdom & sınce he knoɯs I'm αn ARMY, he often let's me choose hıs αvαtαr αnd he shoɯs me hıs BTS cookıe collectıon + mч Englısh lıt. teαcher once plαчed Mαgıc Shop ɯhen ı cαme bαck αfter αn ınjurч & hαs αlso plαчed PTD & RM's 2018 UN nαtıons speech for the ɯhole clαss αfter ı requested ıt

    what ab you all ?

    Wait what .. WHY?!! XDD

  • I don't think any non k-pop fans know I listen to k-pop cause I wouldn't tell them


    Wait what .. WHY?!! XDD

    you should tell them; maybe some are also too shy to share!

    what? like the teacher has a class playlist and we can submit appropriate songs and i put PTD so she played it; it's such a nice & good and positive song : )

    and ab the Namjoon UN speech was bcs we were learning ab bullying and then we had come to the topic of how to heal of bullying so i was like by LOVING YOURSELF and since the speech happens to talk ab that, i asked if she could play it and she was like "yeah" and even said she liked the speech; my classmates seemed respectful, even quieted down and didn't say immature stuff and liked it?

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  • Oh okay, That reminds me of when one of my teachers put on a classical wooden drum performance when we had some free time in class, just cause he wants us to appreciate real music or something. So random

  • Family and friends have gotten me Kpop albums and merch. It makes me extra happy when they remember who my bias is to get me jimin related stuff it means they pay attention to my fandoms talks lmaoo

    damn that's cool!

    my family also remembers & my cousin even got me PROOF (well also 'cause of secret santa this christmas) cause i rambled on ab BTS 's newest album and how I LOVE BTS (he even got me an official MANG plushie!)

    my parents (mostly mum) know how i love kpop and have bought me 3 albums (MOTS7 ver. 3, Butter Peaches Ver. & GIRLS) and even are taking me to a k-pop concert in april ( Stray Kids MANIAC encore in LA) and they seem ok with me liking kpop; my mum listens to me explaining the groups and all and so do my friends

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  • Oh okay, That reminds me of when one of my teachers put on a classical wooden drum performance when we had some free time in class, just cause he wants us to appreciate real music or something. So random

    oh really?

    the teacher i was describing is like the kind teacher who's nice and tries to be strict but fails yet like lets you have freetime if you finish your works and stuff; she's coll and yeah has a class playlist

    ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷ιм тнe oɴe ι ѕнoυld love ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷

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