Is Secret Number's popularity related to Dita's nationality?

  • There might be something I don't get here

    Kpop groups YouTube followers ranking, find Secret Number at #46 near Everglow and Dreamcatcher. Actually I'm not sure if this list is complete but if you just think of any k-pop group outside of the big 4 that enters your consciousnessness more than Secret Number, you will probably find that Secret Number still has more subscribers or followers on social media platforms than them.

    I always assumed that they had fans that are Indonesian just because Dita is Indonesian AND her nationality is widely publicized. But I just realized this does not really make sense, because would you really be a fan of a group just because one member of it comes from your home country? You would like them more but only some people that like them would become a fan of them.

    I notice that Secret Number videos made by fans or by other K-pop channels (like variety) are Indonesian subbed, but the majority of videos on their official channel are only subbed in English and Korean. I Googled and it said some people in Indonesia speak English, but it is not expected that the majority of them speak it. So then that seems even less likely that their YT subscribers are from that country (Why would they keep subscribed if they never sub videos in a language they can understand?).

    So I feel like their popularity has nothing to do with the nationality of a member. I feel it is more of a coincidence like how Everglow has a ton of fans from around the world. What do you think?

    By the way while googling this I found out that Lea is the oldest and the leader in Secret Number, I always thought she was the youngest because she has a baby face and the least parts. Doing the greeting

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  • A lot of Indonesians speak English. I know it's not representative but I literally came back from a holiday trip from Bali, a lot of them can speak basic English to converse.

    Regarding subs, I doubt they will sub I do just for the Indonesian fans, English make sense as it is the most universal.

    And I do believe that Secret Number's fanbase is highly skewed towards Dita. I could be wrong

  • A lot of Indonesians speak English. I know it's not representative but I literally came back from a holiday trip from Bali, a lot of them can speak basic English to converse.

    Regarding subs, I doubt they will sub I do just for the Indonesian fans, English make sense as it is the most universal.

    And I do believe that Secret Number's fanbase is highly skewed towards Dita. I could be wrong

    Oh ok. I just googled if people in Indonesia speak English and I just found mixed responses from "some people" to "A lot of people" so I assumed since it is not widely agreed, most people wouldn't speak it.

    I think that Dita and Denise would be the most popular because they have the most parts and are the most well-known members, but I don't know what the statistics are

  • Indonesian is here :holding-back-tears: i don't follow about Dita tho. But I found something interesting about one indonesian boy who about to debut in kpop group from small company. I noticed how this boy always gets the highest social media engagement compare to other korean members. The gap also huge. Their live streaming also flooded by indonesian comments :sweat:

    So it might answer one of your question about how the nationality influence people to stan. Yes, to certain extent.

  • Oh ok. I just googled if people in Indonesia speak English and I just found mixed responses from "some people" to "A lot of people" so I assumed since it is not widely agreed, most people wouldn't speak it.

    I think that Dita and Denise would be the most popular because they have the most parts and are the most well-known members, but I don't know what the statistics are

    I could be wrong so anyone feel free to correct me

    It depends on the area in Indonesia. I suppose the areas that are more developed and actually knows about KPOP and are more connected globally speaks more English than the more rural areas of Indonesia. Which in this case English is an appropriate language to use since it's a more known language globally, and also at the same time understood by most Indonesian kpop fans even though English is not their first language

  • I could be wrong so anyone feel free to correct me

    It depends on the area in Indonesia. I suppose the areas that are more developed and actually knows about KPOP and are more connected globally speaks more English than the more rural areas of Indonesia. Which in this case English is an appropriate language to use since it's a more known language globally, and also at the same time understood by most Indonesian kpop fans even though English is not their first language

    where do you get this high quality gifs for your sigs ?

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