#1 @_IUofficial 446M
#2 @limyoungwoong 391M
#3 @BTS_twt 350M
#4 @IVE_twt 344M
#6 @G_I_DLE 315M
#7 @aespa_official 247M
#8 @NewJeans_ADOR 239M
#9 @TAEYEONsmtown 223M
#10 @YG_GlobalVIP 206M
Lim Youngwoong wont' be considered for calculation
2nd Gen
The singer who travelled to Japan with Lee Jongsuk 446M
Taeyeon 223M
BigBang 206M
Total 873M
3rd Gen
BTS 350M
BlackPink 327M
Total 677M
4th Gen
(Gidle is at the borderline but for the purpose of this post I will put it on 4th Gen)
IVE 344M
Gidle 315M
aespa 247M
NewJeans 239M
Total 1145M
The rise of NewJeans tilted the balance decisively in favor of the 4th Generation.
The Singer who traveled to Japan with Lee Jongsuk stands alone at the top, despite of releasing no new songs in the year 2022.
Her 13 years at the top is unprecedented in the history of Korea , although it was mostly detrimental for the advancement of KPop to the world.
It seems the feeling of defeatism is finally entering her soul after 13 years of hindering KPop's progress whenever she could.
She defeated BTS and aespa, and IVE earlier last year, but NewJeans, BabyMonster and whatnot , plus a torrent of new Hybe acts, seemed to be too much for even her to handle - they will drown everyone else.
She still has the support of K-O-R-E-A-N-S, but it seems even she will be swept by the very rapid advance of the 4th Gen which will be the main story of 2023.