that are angry about it mainly focus on the entertainment agency essentially giving you a free pass? i don't think i have it in me to be okay with any of that. the people that come up with all these bizarre ideas seem like the type that if they entered the crack olympics, they would win gold in every single event

if you were a parent of an underage trainee, would you sign off on all the weird stuff they'll make your kid do like dance provocatively or sing suggestive lyrics? if so then would you feel relieved when an inevitable controversy blows up and most people
See--- Ok
I would not sign off
But some special cases might need special consideration.
Like really special like we're practically in financial ruin and this is the last way out or the choreographer has signed an affadavit to me to put in effort on putting more appropriate clothes ( like shuhua getting an undershirt on the recent tomboy outfits)
Depends on the age too.
Like if they were 17 near their birthday, I'd tend to be more laissez faire than if the kid in question was 15 or 16.
Edit: this is assuming the kid is already fully emotionally and intellectually invested in doing idol work like they would be depressive if I said no and denied them the career path.
i wouldn't sign off on anything that put my child at risk.
I grew up in a different age, i have a lot to say on this matter lol. I think there are some age minimums that should be in place, i think 13 should be the youngest age of a trainee and i think every trainee should have vastly reduced work hours (kids need a lot more sleep than adults). But i think we've gone way overboard in coddling and infantilizing older teenagers, 16-17. I think once you're a junior/senior in high school, you are not some helpless rock that is clueless about the world. You dont have to be some artificially established age like 18 to suddenly gain magic wisdom points, you dont have to be 18 to know when you're feeling uncomfortable or being taken advantage of.
As a parent of say a 16 year old, i would have a talk with him or her about an outfit or dance that might seem "risque". If they're ok with doing a more provocative dance or wearing a more revealing outfit, if they actually want to, i would trust to that and let them. The important thing is the idol being allowed to express themselves, the label listening and respecting their wishes, and the parents being involved.
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