YES.. in mah heart

Do "fans" genuinely think they have a chance with their favs?
celebrity x fan combination rarely works out anyways, the power dynamics are completely different
I know this dude and yes, he is very very obsessed..
obsessed and rich, the worst combination because he also has the means to follow her wherever
That's creepy... I do think kpop idols can date their fans if a mutual attraction happen irl, but I doubt they feel attracted to these obsessed weirdos
obsessed and rich, the worst combination because he also has the means to follow her wherever
Yup.. maybe he feels closer to her that way? Almost like her boyfriend? Lol still weird asf
Yup.. maybe he feels closer to her that way? Almost like her boyfriend? Lol still weird asf
I wouldn't understand his thinking or feeling process... but yeah definitely weird
Only in hunger games
Some do and they’re delusional. These idols would really date a fan let alone marry them. They don’t know them or care, they have a vast array of beans women to choose from. Sometimes I wish these fans would grow up. They get jealous if their bias is dating/married thinking if they can’t have them then no one else can like SJ Sungmin.
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