Rain Day is here!
It's finally arrived - originally announced as Kun's solo,
the song features Taeil, Kun and YangYang!
Kun wrote the song 2 years ago and had it approved for an SM Lab song.
Working with songwriter/producers JUNNY and SQUAR, this is Kun's first song released on streaming platforms. (His other songs were on YT or SoundCloud only.)
Sign up today for your LE badge preorder!
I don't think we'll have enough, but it's worth trying.
We made it!
We need at least 10 petitioners
Price will decrease by 10 akorns after 10+
Please put Rain Day badge in your transfer notes.
If you'd like to buy but need help, let me know.
Akorns are due September 12.
Transfer akorns to NeoCityBank
thanks to
@zuzuhhaa for the cute gifs