RE: "does jay park really deserve all the hate he gets"

  • I don't think I heard most of his music before, so I can't speak on that. Also, I knew he did get a lot of hate, but I never stopped and realized that it's more than a fair number of idols get, sometimes for even doing the same thing. Interesting. I'll admit, I do think he should be held accountable for a good portion of his more questionable stuff for sure (that "joke" towards Jamie, calling idols "brainwashed" and stuff like that), but outright hate won't help anyone.

    As for why he gets so much hate, I do not know for sure, mostly because I don't know him super well, but I do have a few theories in mind that might explain parts of it:

    * Getting confused with JYP ~ Their names are pretty similar (at least in my opinion) and there was a thread on here a while back comparing the two and asking people who was worse. A lot of people, including me, got confused who was who, and how similar their names were didn't help at all. Maybe that's a part of it.

    * Being so active on Twitter ~ As we all know, Twitter is a toxicity dump. Sure, there are some good people on there, but just as many (or possibly more) not good people there. Because people there are so toxic, maybe people (in SOME cases, not all) are taking what he said or did out of context to make it look worse and/or get him "cancelled" on Twitter. I wouldn't put it past most Twitter users. Though being cancelled there rarely ends any major careers, it probably sours the impressions people have of him even more. Long story short: it's a double-edged sword. It probably gets him more attention, but at the expense of more hate.

    * The major scandals he does have blew up ~ When a scandal you had gets so big that everyone heard about it and has an opinion about it, it's really hard to escape, and they stick with you a long time.

    * JYP's image for idols ~ JYP says that it's important for his idols to have a good personality (current idols and former idols/trainees) and so many people buy into that. When they see Jay's scandals after he left and how he acts, that image (to the fans) is shattered. Because of that, maybe they take it personally and lash out on him.

    Or it could be something else entirely. As for the original question: I don't know with absolute surety that he either does or does not deserve it, as I do not have all of his scandals memorized, and I also don't know the precise, exact amount of hate he gets, or how much of that "hate" is actually constructive criticism/criticism that gets mislabeled as hate. That being said, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume he doesn't deserve it. Being held accountable? Sure. Hated on? Perhaps a bit too far, and from the little I do know about it, maybe it shouldn't be happening, yet it is.

  • "Deserve" - well there is no way to decide that.

    And neither can one ask "Does some other idol deserve all the love they get?"

    There is little reason behind human emotions, even more so when it is towards non-personal cases like celebrities.

    And Jay Park should be glad that he gets away only with hate, had he been in some other societies - say 50-60 countries of the world, he would have had bounties announced, caused riots in the street demanding his beheading, or gotten murdered etc.

    All because he equated himself with God in a different language.

    Strangely no offense is taken when other idols are called God-Sejeong, God-Jihyo etc. Apparently it is an issue only if using one particular language associated with one particular religion. Calling yourself or others, as Buddha or Jesus or Vishnu is safer.

    Reason and emotion, they don't always match.

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