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BTS will met with President Biden in the Oval Office at 3PM ET (4AM KST).. and it will be Closed Press!
ohh its late at night for me
closed press… so not the major just another “photo-op” people were saying it was going to be.
i knew it would be a closed event followed by a press briefing
closed press… so not the major just another “photo-op” people were saying it was going to be.
People wanted to push that narrative so bad, its concerning
People wanted to push that narrative so bad, its concerning
And even if it was open and public it wouldn’t even matter. Even with it being a closed press meeting haters will twist this story to something cynical.
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Anyway, I hope Biden will do something about this, something fruitful will come out and not take the boys just for clout and take advantage of their good intentions with regards to Anti-Asian Hate.
“soy boys”. and racists are coming out in full force. ooff…. can’t say i’m surprised.
“soy boys”. and racists are coming out in full force. ooff…. can’t say i’m surprised.
Hmmm racists have a problem with Asians speaking on Asian hate how apt of these losers
“soy boys”. and racists are coming out in full force. ooff…. can’t say i’m surprised.
Didn't Joe just come back from meeting with world leaders in East Asia? Oh wait, thats rights, racist only see white western people as "world" leaders so that doesn't count. I would ignore this for the next couple of days as these people don't EVER want anyone to speak on racism no matter who it is so they will deflect like people can't multitask.
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