Negative views of Russia mainly limited to western liberal democracies, poll shows

  • Negative views of Russia mainly limited to western liberal democracies, poll shows
    Annual global survey of attitudes to democracy finds many countries maintain positive views of Russia

  • its because media in other countries is lying and spewing shit about ukraine situation including my own country. according to my country's media all of this was due to zelenskys incompetence and he actually schemed with USA and NATO to put russsia in danger which was the reason Russia retaliate to save itself :zipr::boredr: .

    they have never talked about russias war crimes and its brutality.

  • bartkun <--

    POLAND WINS = Hates RUSSIA , for *good* reason ... :thumbup:

    As added observation -->

    *Never* stand 'down wind' from the UNITED NATIONS ...

    You just might SMELL SOMETHING !!! ... :woow:

    UNITED NATIONS <-- ... :thumbdown: ... *OUT* of NYC USA , as *soon* as possible.

    Let UNITED NATIONS (Org) find a *New Host Nation* for *TRASH* (my view).

    Let the U.N = *PARTY ANIMALS* do that , in say PARIS , FRANCE.

    Edited 4 times, last by krell ().

  • are we supposed to shit tears or something

    @dummi <-- You are *aware* that 'queen' BEYONCE (Knowles) did perform

    a ($$$) *PAID* PRIVATE wedding event for a RUSSIAN OLIGARCH ??? ...
    Makes me *wonder* what *KANYE WEST* would do for MONEY ($$$) ...

    Is that okay , to *wonder* on that ??? ... :wink:

    How do you top an (Russian) Oligarch's multi-million pound wedding? ; 2016.04.01

    By flying to London for a private concert from Sir Elton John and Beyonce of course!

    Added later --> I see an *LOL* React ... I *appreciate* that ... As AKP 'history' ...

    ... I am *personally* somewhat responsible for the *READ* React choice ...

    I suggested that it maybe should be as *KILROY WAS HERE* ... But no luck ... :suure:
    Added later --> Perhaps *KILLroy Was Here* (Ramos = TX) would be better ???

    Edited 10 times, last by krell ().

  • It's probably because the other non Liberal democraties are those countries that were directly affected by the US in some way or the other (ex: the middle east). So their relationship with Russia is more like my enemy's enemy is my friend.

    My view of Russia is no more negative than that of the US. Both are evil that committed war crimes.

  • you forget one thing

    talking about "ties" or not viewing negative in terms of doing deals...

    Greece, Kenya, Turkey, China, Israel, Egypt, Nigeria, Indonesia, South Africa, Vietnam, Algeria, the Philippines, Hungary, Mexico, Thailand, Morocco, Malaysia, Peru, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia.

    from all those countries I would say Greece is a disappointment, and Hungary might be surprise for many

    all other countries either had or currently have "regime" government, not to mention few post commie/semi communist countries are on that list as well.

    So people within those countries react only to 'propaganda' that they are feed, exactly what Russians are doing nowadays in their national tv.

  • The video you linked is unavailable in my country. Can you tell me what it's about?

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