Posts by Rainbow_unicorn
I can't waiiiiittt
Bobby really shy when he is not with the other ikons. His interactions with his aunt is so cute. He really is a family man.
Bobby going super haaardd!
Exactly! I'm vibing very much to their song. And they have everything I want and need for a BG. How I wish they have a full freedom in music industry, and show their full potential
Aaaaaa can't waiiiiiittt!! We will have JunBob and BobDong yeayy . And curious what is skit? One of them has featured with youtuber rapper from Korea. Oooo can't waiiiit
But please Bob why you type like that for the title. You are lucky that I lobe you :) (jinan style)
and the ikons is seen in YGE building last night. I hope it is for cb preparation pleaseee
So excited!! Rumor said that it will contain song with Dongi and June
(oh new emot lol)
Still on loop! I love the song so much, chill but intense with so much emotion too. And hanbin voicee!
Hanbin the singer is baaackkk