Rainbow_unicorn Newbie

  • Member since Feb 13th 2018
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  • Are you still here? We need iKonics <3

    Excited for Bobby solo?

    Love 1
    • I'm hereeee but tbh kinda not liking this new layout. But I'm here often hahhaa..

      And of courseeeee Bobby solooo! The album cover is so cutee and can't wait the tracklist.

      Love 1
    • yessss

      Love 1
    • Eh do we have like artist thread or smt here? Is there any iKON artist thread?

      Wow 1
    • Hmm, I'm not sure, I haven't gotten around to checking the artist threads yet. If there isn't, we can make one!

    • I'm still not use to the layout. I will check from pc later when I less busy and make it if there's none. Can we tag people here?

      Love 1