it really depends on the situation tbh
If I know that person changed, I wouldn't
But if they are still a asshole treating people like shit gladly
it really depends on the situation tbh
If I know that person changed, I wouldn't
But if they are still a asshole treating people like shit gladly
not surprised, thats basically my friend's marriages. They earn more, cook more, clean more.
Marriage isnt beneficial to women but they still marry bc they want babies and society judges single moms.
It be like that
especially older generation judges the women who don't cook and clean like crazy very harshly but they are failing to realise these women are no longer housewives and they have the same workload (if not bigger) as their husbands with their full time jobs
it I always a combination of multiple factors but it all goes down to the hight quality of their music and lyrics people can actually relate to
Also another one
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I love Michelle! She is so funny and chill
[+806, -163] Stop using idols to cut the tail! Put more effort into doing your jobs right instead of distracting us with your politics using Kpop here and there to make headlines!!
This comment nailed it
Never trust politicians
they also switched from being virologist to being war strategists failing to realise they're just dumb
Meeting with the racist and idiotic part of my family be like
This drink taste like death. I hate lime flavored drinks.
I love lime
Various users keep saying that this is a BTS/Army forum. Since it's April's Fools, why not make it come true? It seems funny when you give it a shot, but some really dislike BTS and Army that they can't see past the dislike.
Kudos to the users who were good-hearted and enjoyed the prank while it lasted.
I see, I see
You sure made the forum active haha
I love the colour
I would like to keep it
Just without BTS lmao , sorry but I like my sad kitty DP and badges
I love the theme !! and Im not even a BTS fan
And I also really love purple Im even wearing purple mask rn lmao
but I think it's too much with the DP
And now many users are going to complain they want this too for their groups aaand the will use it as a weapon against the mods in the future (saying they are armys thus biased etc)
it would be better to do something more neutral like the last year
you should watch orange!! its one of my fav japanese movies and you're gonna recongize like half the cast bc theyre also in alice in borderland.
I watched the anime but it was so sad
I checked Sakurada Dori btw nd yeah gotta admit he is handsome but his character in Alice was really horrible , he nailed it though
Gotta rewatch before it airs
add me please
I think none of them should be defended, they both decided to stay in a abusive relationship until it escalated. Nevertheless that both were wrong should be pointed out. I haven’t followed their case well enough. But people will pick sides.
I’m so tired of this gender war. People are so bitter. I’m tired of sexism coming from every gender. Why weren’t we created as Hermaphrodites
I think we will never reach equality tho… I think it’s impossible. Until that happened men and women already killed each other lol.
Both of them are piece of works
I left the video here so people can see the other side too in case they read just what the other user posted
One thing about her is confirmed though , she has lied A LOT
Now I won't claim he is a completely innocent victim but she definitely isn't one either
he was canceled by Hollywood and she should be too...or neither of them
I'm just sick to think a woman like her was a face of Me too movement , even if we ignore the situation with Depp, she was acting abusive towards her previous partner who was a woman by the way
How can someone like her be a face of Me too
It's ridiculous
[+372, -13] I feel like Son Ye Jin's eye smile needs to be awarded with a national gold medal.
this! it feels heartwarming just to look at her smiling
I'm so happy for them
Make your own opinion and check who got arrested for behaving violent against their partner in their past relationship