Posts by someone00

    I'll never understand you not admitting you hate BP like it's so obvious, you created this thread bc you got butthurt BP were the first chosen gg in an "important" list and now you are going on pages and pages about how you don't believe in their legacy, being remembered, being liked, being respected as artists bc that's what it is. They are known for their music and you can't accept it bc you hate them so much over nothing but inferior complex that you are going in circles to invalidate a fucking poll that doesn't concern you, it's a Korean poll made by Koreans, voted by Koreans and you wanting or not, in SK BP are already legendary and their music is still remembered, their presence in kpop is still huge and next year if they cb you'll see it again and again and again.

    It's embarrassing how you always try to act like some music expert and that your opinion is the right one bc oh, David is the superior kpop fan, but kid, you are just a kpop fan. Know your place and stop this clownery, you are an adult, stop being so childish and start accepting others opinions and choices. You are nobody in this convo or poll, you are a nobody to anything related to kpop. This is a hobby! Stick to your faves and stop wasting so much time in groups you obviously hate bc yeah kid, you hate! And go enjoy whatever you like knowing that your opinion is just an opinion.

    And the part I marked, yes, BP is so amazing that even though others groups are doing cbs, releasing music, promoting, etc, this means nothing when in random polls people still choose them, sorry they are special to others. And SNSD also does nothing in SK as a group or BB but they are still remembered, do you know why? Bc those 3 are legends and you don't need to accept it.

    Anyways, I won't answer you again even if you quote me, you must be a super sour human being, you must suck acting like your opinion is the only one and you'll write the same broken clock sentences you do in every BP thread so bye.

    The way people will believe any random twitter acc.. I doubt this is the case, but I also don't think Hybe is all about lettuce organic numbers so maybe it's just an error and that's it. Now it's just wait like always and op, it's sad how your hate towards hybe is becoming so toxic that everything concerning LSRFM, Illit or any other innocent hybe idol you'll automatically hate a lot on them like, it's embarrassing seeing a grown ass man acting like this towards even girls younger than you.

    Oh, they want MHJ... Tbh MHJ is fucked up in the head, but she won't put NJs on hiatus or other things, she'll make sure to work with NJs while in Hybe who has this passion? The men hate the girls, like what was that belift video?? A joke?? What is Bang PD towards NJs? NJs is seen as a threat in their own "company". I think the girls are in a tough spot bc publicly supporting MHJ so much can make the hybe environmental even more bad...

    Anyways, I hope the girls stay healthy, happy and have a long career ahead of them!

    It's not an error, because those things happened many times and we always knew about the reason after a couple of hours, because Hanteo released a statement.

    Also, this is like the biggest decrease in the history of Kpop, probably. If it's an error, Source would release a statement already, because this isn't a good PR for them. This literally means, their fans don't buy their albums. They have to sell at least 600K in their first week if they don't want to be called a flop! But even that would be 400K less than their latest release.

    Damn, to think LSF stans were busy laughing at others ggs stans for some little drops just for this to happen...

    It's insane selling this little when they are a big4 group who already had great sales.. but let's see, maybe they can bounce back in the first week overall or their next cb. They are Bang PD fave group, he'll make sure to push them enough to achieve some success that can compare to the others top ggs.

    History was such an incredible group. The way i was obsessed with kpop and somehow I found Queen, what a bop! I still listen to it!! :meme-ahhh: they deserved so much better!! Talent, great music, visuals, dancers, everything!! #justice4history



    I don't think this is all Elon Musk's fault. Alexandre is trespassing his power and acting like he is the only one who commands the law in Brazil and everybody should follow in silence.

    I won't "discuss" about this topic here, but Alexandre isn't a neutral judge and his targets are very clear. This isn't bc he is worried about Brazilians and it's funny acting like this is for our own good. A censorship is a censorship, let's not change the name of it.

    I use X just to see kpop related stuff like with BP case so it's a pity I'll probably lose this source of info that I enjoy to see bc two big and powerful men are fighting an unnecessary and personal fight. This isn't a Brazil x X/Twitter. This is Alexandre x Elon. Simple as that.

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    :meme-life-support: I don't even use X, but in this country with how I was raised I don't want to feel any type of censorship!! They better find a middle point. :meme-listening: