Posts by Cocomars

    Its not that bsh wanted 100% Ador...

    100% Ador belonged to Hybe, they created the company and they put the money, Mhj was put as ceo for them, offered her 20% low prices shares and on top of that , bsh lend her the money to get them, you dont do that for someone that you dont trust.

    And if were hybe, i would screw over nj too...if you are going to support the person who tried to steal a company in which she did not have to invest a single penny, claiming being mistreated for a lack of greetings after all the support that they got from hybe, you are the exact same thing than mhj and you deserve the same treatment.

    But Bang Si-hyuk said that he wouldn't let me do it unless the company held a 100 percent stake.

    -MHJ during 1st press con

    100% of ADOR belonged to Hybe because BSH wanted 100% of ADOR. Then after a little while MHJ was able to negotiate shares. You don’t need to trust someone to do business with them, this is why contracts exist.

    Screwing their own business over something petty is why people are calling Hybe emotional. It’s just not a good way to run a whole ass “conglomerate” or any type of professional business.

    They will have to drown Ador in order to bring the value down. Stup*d of them to give her and co 20% with idiotic contract clause. I guess they really trusted MHJ and never expected her to backstab them in the end so soon.

    Hybe lowering the value of ADOR so they don’t have to payout as much money to MHJ is what Tokkis have been speculating for a while now. The almost 2 year hiatus for NJ will certainly do that. Hybe already started with the media play against NJ. This is why we think Hybe doesn’t give a shit what happens to NJ because they just want to screw over MHJ. (Please Hybe prove us wrong!!)

    No, they didn’t trust her because initially BSH wanted 100% of ADOR. This entire saga is how they never trusted her and didn’t think much of her. Hybe is just really cocky. They didn’t expect her to fight back this hard.

    In regards to the suicide thing, she’s been saying since the 1st press con that she’s not going to kill herself. She’s saying other people think she will, and that’s why they have been checking in on her.

    I think that’s thoughtful of people to check especially if someone is going through something so stressful and public as what she’s going through.

    I’m not saying it was right of her to bring it up at a press con. She does ramble on and overshare a lot, and she’s said it herself that she over explains and can get wordy.

    She is definitely not in a weaker position. She actually has more leverage now because of the injunction results and Korean public opinion is still mostly on her side.

    The point of her 2nd press con was to very publicly reiterate the injunction results, announce NJs album/world tour, show her calm/bright side, and call for a truce with Hybe.

    The ball is in Hybe’s court now, because with that press con, she created the narrative (genuine or not) that she’s willing to compromise and her main priority is ADOR/NJ. So Hybe will look worse to the Korean public if they still try to smear or sabotage ADOR/NJ/MHJ in any way, and if they do, MHJ has ammo for lawsuits against Hybe.

    She was smart to present herself in the way she did at the press con because it gives the impression (exclude Hybe stans) that she’s rational, well spoken, and being a bigger person by trying to put this behind her.

    If we can believe that she does care about ADOR/NJ, then compromise is the best step right now because going through more media play and legal battles is going to negatively effect ADOR/NJ for a substantial time. She emphasizes this in the press con by talking about the album and world tour.

    But of course Hybe can continue to be extremely stupid by still gunning for her. It’s their money and reputation, and they’ll survive either way.

    Edit: Oh, and yes, compromise cause legal fees ARE expensive even if she wins because who knows how long Hybe will drag it on.

    I don't think MHJ will be satisfied being anyone's subsidiary. She's also moving very fast considering she only signed on to Hybe in 2019, and basically went from a director to a senior exec (CBO) to CEO of her own sub label within 3 years.

    I think as long as they don’t interfere with her work process she’ll be satisfied. She’s complained about HYBE’s micromanagement multiple times. She doesn’t like it when they try to change her vision, and when she doesn’t listen to them they do something petty.

    tbh I have no idea why she signed the stock deal last year that gave her 18% but with stipulations (like the draconian non-compete). MHJ claimed that she trusted park jiwon and showed texts of their conversations where she confronted him after she signed the contract. I still don't fully understand the context but I have an extremely weird feeling about park jiwon as well - I don't trust him, and I also think he needs to step down in hybe.

    She didn’t have that much time to decide and probably felt rushed. There’s always people like that who don’t fully read their contract because they’re boring as hell. But she’s stupid for not getting a lawyer to look over it for how long she’s been in the industry. Stupid for trusting PJW on his word that they wouldn’t screw her over with that contract.

    Also, she seems to really suck at office politics. She doesn’t want to play along with them when these men clearly want their asses schmoozed. It doesn’t help that she’s a woman because if she were a man they’d probably be inviting her to play golf and go to room salons too.

    Someone on here mentioned that PJW is a political science major, maybe that’s why you’re getting a weird feeling about him. I think it was “Oldies” (what happened to him?) that mentioned that he sees a lot of US political moves with how Hybe has been going about this.