if you actually understood what i was talking about, the “feminism” part in my comment didn’t refer to what companies set out to produce, it referred to the attitude of the very consumers you’re talking about lol. There’s a prominent trend, which you yourself stated, about what’s perceived as confidence and power hence empowering by fans, and what’s looked down upon as too feminine hence inferior, that’s why companies set out to get capitalise on that very narrow perception and why top ggs now have a very specific image. THAT was my point. Nobody said that companies had to care about feminism lol
I don't think the fans are consciously thinking about feminism when they're enjoying a music video for the most part either. It's just what they like, it's escapism, it's imagining yourself as this almost super hero like version of a woman.
My point was the main reason why some concepts are more popular in SK compared to the west is the makeup of the fan base. Straight men make up a big part of the girl group fan base there, but not in the west. They have different tastes because they're not imagining themselves as the girls on screen, they're imagining those girls on screen as their girlfriends. Thus the completely different style.