Posts by freakyfantasy

    Ah, I see. I’m not the person who made this thread, therefore I will not speak on that, as I do not know her intentions or thoughts as she made this. Thank you for the clarification. I’m glad you understand that everyone has a right to feel how they feel in certain situations, but the justification is not up to anyone. We can’t can’t justify if someone can feel this way, or that way, as we are not that person ourselves. LNX is completely obligated to do whatever her wants, but people are going to disagree. It’s just the way the world is. Not everyone is going to have the same view points on every situation. You make some very valid points, I must agree, but this topic was conversational, and was bound to be talked about.

    and that's what we're doing, discussing. Some people say he shouldn't have done it, i said they should get over it :)

    Where exactly did she say that? Are we reading the same thing? If not, please correct me, as I have no problem with being wrong. If you think that religion is only allowed to dictate for you, that is fine. That is your opinion, and I choose to respect that. All I did was kindly ask you to stop telling someone that they can not feel a certain way. If I’m misunderstanding this situation, please do inform me, as I really want to understand.

    Isn't that exactly what this thread is about? "LNX went too far, he shouldn't have used hell and mock Christianity to express his message". Also, i used "shouldn't" in my message more like a suggestion - English isn't my 1st language and some of the nuances escape me. People are free to feel whatever they feel, doesn't mean they're necessarily justified in feeling like that.

    Well I hope you don't get yourself too worked up over my opinions since they aren't any of your business.

    I'm never surprised when people call me out because I'm used to you and what you say to me doesn't really matter in the end, just as what I say to you shouldn't.

    In the same vein, as long as the people like you continue to push your heads into my civic rights, I reserve the right to be as output with my opinions as I please, weather you agree or not

    Nothing of what i said infringes in any way on your civic rights, lmao. But i expect gaslighting from people like you.

    Kind of, but that also depends on the situation

    There is a whole lot of people who choose to identify or make themselves another gender than what they were born as so that is not accurate, as for race.... there are also people who try to make themselves a different race and that's not looked upon kindly which is kind f strange that the people who advocate for trans gender rights and equality are the same people who say it's racist to try and be another race, but that's a whole other conversation. I would also like to point out that religion is sometimes a choice you can make for yourself but in a lot of cases it is almost like a culture. It is something you are born into and you cannot leave the religion without leaving your whole world. I speak from first hand experience.

    But I get where you are coming from. I guess I just don't see how a person can find it ok to make fun of or persecute a person for what they believe in but think it's horrible to make fun of a race or culture. Thanks for your opinion

    the fact that you conflagrate gender identity and race with religion boggles the mind, truly. You thinking one "chooses" gender like they choose to remain members of a religion tells me a lot about your stance on gender identity and sexuality. And the discourse is quite disturbing.

    I get it might be hard to leave behind a religion you were born into, but at some point in our lives, as people, we get to choose which are the principles that we want to guide our lives. And if you choose a system of beliefs that has, historically, only aimed to persecute, exclude and control groups of the population such as women, LGBTQIA people, people of other religions, etc then you get to live with those choices. And don't be surprised when they're contested and criticized and mocked.

    Religion should be a personal choice and if it were practiced as such, i would have no problem with it- whatever floats your boat. But religion - and its promoters - are trying really hard to make us live by the same rules, and decide for us who we get to marry and start a family with, who should be able to adopt a child or not, what is the woman's role in a family etc. As long as religion continues to push its head into my civic rights, I reserve the right to be as critical and mocking of it as i please.

    Being religious is part of someone identity, just like race and gender, it’s a chosen one, but once you did, it becomes part of your identity.

    I’m a believer myself and I also think religion shouldn’t be free from criticism. But that wasn’t the point here, it wasn’t him criticizing the bigoted views of Christians that people were mad of, but the use of satanic themes because a lot of believers are very sensitive about it. His mv was ok until the hell part started.

    it is NOT at all like race and gender, and the fact that you even dare to claim that is insulting. As if a black person can somehow ever CHOOSE to leave their skin color behind.

    Religion becomes part of your identity only if you let it. It's a part of identity that you can educate and choose to keep or leave behind. I was born Orthodox and educated as such, and chose to turn my back on it because it disgusts me.

    The hell part was perfectly fine. Just the imagery of it shouldn't offend you so, the descriptions in the Bible are much more horrific and should be much more offensive to people out there. Stuff of nightmare, and it's being taught to kids. Hilarious.

    Also, because you keep saying he's promoting satanism ( he really isn't, that's not at all the point of the MV) . Maybe you should look into what the tenets of the satanic religion are - it's just as viable as a religion as Christianity is, and it's not at all what they teach you in Sunday school - if you were to take it at its letter and look into its rules. Bad things are done in the name of it, just as horrific things have been done - are still being done - in the name of Christianity even to this day.

    This is an American problem and a Christian problem tbh. In Europe Christianity is a big part of their culture (I would even say more than in America). Yet they are very progressive in LGBT rights and mental health awareness.

    Sorry no offense, but I often had arguments with people from America and I noticed that their views and opinions are very American-centric and they don’t really know what’s going on outside of America. Tbh quite a lot of issues seem to be a bigger problem in America than elsewhere in the world. America seems to have a big bigotry problem and it goes far beyond just religious people.

    don't speak for all of Europe, because what you're saying is completely false. I invite you to Eastern Europe and see how Christianity is a plague. Look at Poland who because of fundamentalist Christians, is backtracking on women's rights with lighting speed.

    The progress the West has made is not because of their religion, but in spite of it. There's a lot of Catholics in name only, who are not practicing outside of the major holidays they celebrate. And the good quality education they receive helps in spreading civic awareness.

    Sure, I can understand he wanted to clap back at those who gave him a hard time. Yet it’s not just those extremists who believe in the biblical symbols, but also those Christians who support people like him. I think it was disrespectful. He could have done it another way without mocking the religion. If it was other religions people would have been way more mad and outraged.

    why not use themes like this? Religion shouldn't be free from criticism, especially with how much judgment Reigion passes.

    You also have the choice not to engage with the content, if it offends you. As an atheist, I feel offended every time religion meddles in civil life, too, but people hardly seem to care about that.

    sorry to hear that, would not have expected it from people in the Scandinavian countries, though i know the majority are not like this.