Display MoreI mean that's kinda different.
Theator actors work on that show for months. And they usually work on just that show which is how they build their stamina to sing and dance simultaneously but idols have so many other activities they need to engage in from weekly performances to traveling to concerts to song writing to recordings and learning choreos and formations, etc not to mention shooting mvs that they sometimes have to do even more travel for.
Also, keep in mind that most theater choreographies are not very hard compared to some of the choreos idols have to learn.
Also, a theater performance can cast up to 50 people, if not more so that'll mean that the lines are divided up evenly.
I agree more or less with all these points save for this one. Theatre actors, in order to live, are working multiple survival jobs on top of doing shows cause the economy(at least where I live) is kinda shit. So theyre incredibly busy. Also actors in contracts where they perform around the world are traveling rather frequently.