its a three way dissonance between Tsfh- Summer of 84, HyunA - I'm not cool, and Chungha's Play.
I honestly have no idea how the heck three are rattling around in my head at once but I welcome the cacophony.
its a three way dissonance between Tsfh- Summer of 84, HyunA - I'm not cool, and Chungha's Play.
I honestly have no idea how the heck three are rattling around in my head at once but I welcome the cacophony.
I've visited china a few times to see family. I'm actually an ABC.
That sounds noodle from north west of China ?
I don't know to be honest, but yes it could be from there. You could go to anywhere in china and there would be at least one shop that serves it.
I think if you're good at strat games you'll do fine with c4 LOL
Jina's still extremely challenging to beat, you should play against her in gomoku to really test yourself
what is gomoku? tbh I'm the best at the card game speed though, No Brain, just Hyper Focus. Alternatively Ratslap (aka egyptian ratslap) is a strong one up there for me. I'm more of a card based person tbh. I could even arrange a game of memory stratego using playing cards.
To be honest though I never keep a hard stance. I'm impossible to beat at chess though, after I figure out how to use the matchbox decision system. I got pretty good but I need more iterations to iron out the more rare mistakes.
QingTangMien (清汤面)
Usually a light broth soup with noodles. Noodles could be thick or thin, The broth is generally of the main three ( pork, beef, or chicken) though some people consider a version made with lamb part of it as well. Its hard to provide a picture because its such a staple dish that everyone has their own variation on it.
im probably the only person here with no opinions on eggplant. They aight; they just a food bro. Eggplants? cool. No eggplants? also cool.
but but but when they rot is the worst; slimy then snowy-fuzzy. And they smell like someone spilled acetone on the ground and decided to add kerosene and light it (when moldy). Like??? can't you take a page out of rice's book and turn either sour or into alcohol? why do you gotta become a chemical weapon?
Sup bruv, ready for a round?
I believe that the hyperlinks are there to provide context to those who don't actively follow the referenced artists or were simply just unaware of who was what. I think its great tbh. Though I kinda wish that there was more like a wikipedia style of balloon, Small image and single sentence description with an option to click and read more.
To be honest Yeji is a pretty strong contender for my no.1 bias. I just don't know why. Its like one of those things that when you look at or think about, you just get a good dopamine kick.
also hell, the first night after the day I saw her I had a dream( bruh im cringing) that she was a Gumiho, but one that was guiding the world gently towards an undetermined goal, like conspiracy theory style. Also, she wasn't like the stereotypical (malevolent) type, she was more like the guiding light, gently and anonymously helping the world along.
But man, hats off to ryujin, Strong vibes and dominant form.
Sir, You Are Being Hunted is a really good game with very high replay value. worth my 20 bucks.
The only downsides are that there isn't much lore discovery throughout the game, and the graphics reminds me of the first 3d games to come out with low-res 3d objects with almost WoW-Classic levels of texturing on it.
It is possible, due to lack of socio-economic coupling with the western economies, the social norms could be stuck in a previous, historically-accepted-but-not-now state. Keep in mind that often cultures are stagnated by what is possible, impossible, and hard to accomplish within that country. Someone might want to seek to promote gay rights but some more conservative or religiously tied governments might even outlaw discussion or depiction of such things. If it were up to the bible when Jesus was alive, Gays would be stoned and it took up until this century to shake steadfast stigmas against them. It takes time, and as resources become more abundant as the world becomes more developed, we will eventually drift away as a whole from the 'might is right' philosophy that governed the animal kingdom.
I am not trying to throw shade against any group, person, or other entity, I am simply providing possible reasons why certain cultures tend to have such extreme elements depicted in popular culture.
(also effects of war, famine, natural disaster, and other tragedies could dampen the overall public mindset to be more dark. The one that I know is that during the period after china's last dynasty, china was largely divvied up and used by european countries, more or less treated like a collection of colonies. Now as China has regained its national strength, most of the chinese population are hyper-nationalist, shunning western influences, [and largely blaming america, due to it being the 'western leader' in their eyes]. Essentially China held a grudge against a lot of countries that 'trampled' over them and now they want to clap back for things like Nanjing.)
As of the fourth of December in the Year of Two Thousand, Zero Hundred, and Twenty-Four of the Common Era (CE): Consider this statement withdrawn and no longer, in any way, constitutes a representation or a representation of the antithesis of my current views.
I guess a good way to prevent future confusion like seen in this thread is to probably have an automated received receipt and a follow-up approved/rejected and a few sentences why. (well approved is approved who needs to know why lol) but for rejected one could then specify in broad strokes what is at issue in the article.
I was wondering "How are Akorns Managed/ Treated in AKP?'"
More specifically, I see elements of in-game currency (shop, handouts from the system), but users are able to trade akorns between each other like a currency tied to economy.
Are Akorns able to be manipulated like currency ( real world economics, nat'l interest rate, Budgeting, inflation/deflation) or is this more like a hybrid, similar to that seen in CS:GO, where players are able to buy and sell between each other, but since it is an open ended currency, value of a unit of currency is fixed or irrelevant; only the value of goods compared to the unit of currency is relevant?
---tbh I think its like 99% going to be the latter but I just wanted to make sure in case I wanted to flex my runescape muscles and set up shop.
Her Songs are very stereotypical. Its almost a median representation of the genres that the songs target. She is not playing into her reputation for impeccable dance either, compounding her case. I almost wish chungha did something so out of left field like an EDM-Opera hybrid or even some wacky rock-pop ultimate dance beat or just something that sticks out. Bicycle as a power song? Hwasa can wipe the board with that. Play as a cuter song? Basically all the cute-concept kpop groups got that in spades. Dream of you as a risque song? Western pop has been doing that since forever. I still stan chungha and hope she can make it internationally with Demente but still that's still just another song in the latin music world.
I also notice a lot of superfluous things in her products that she spends a lot of effort into, but the one that stands out the most is the flip in Bicycle. Obscured by the choreo, gets a split second in the MV and doesn't even stand out in the Studio Choom video. The only place where its prominently displayed is the Dance Practice video.
Don't get me wrong, I love Chungha. Her relationship with her dancers is so precious, as well as her high dynamic intelligence that basically allowed her to perform at peak since her debut. She is running out of steam and it hurts to see such a bright flame start to smoulder.
As of the Fourth of December in the year Two Thousand, Zero Hundred, and Twenty-Four of the Common Era (CE): Consider this statement withdrawn. I fundamentally disagree with a majority of this statement currently.