Posts by Kataphract
Fun fact: info panels are generated by The Google Brain ( google's in house AI) basically an automatic internet drunk that has infinite stamina. It'll get things right eventually but for now 90% percent of its brain is somewhere else, 9% of its brain is inaccessible and the last 1% is still sorting through the alcohol .
yes, iconic ost
Bourne Identity (2002)
loved it.... after I stablilized the fight scenes. lmao
Treasure planet (2002)
Your the grandma here not her
Sure its a little on the cliché love song type, but the beat was hella interesting.
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One thing i'd wish some groups would release less of Is that they keep on teasing the comeback of a group with dance covers and stuff but like never really drop an album. Like I get it you guys are good at dancing but like I'm here for dancing AND music and just watching covers to 16 shots or smth is getting old.
interesting but understandable that they've merged.
They must have not had enough experience and thought that the stereotypes *were* representative of the Indian culture. Now what bothers me is that they didn't call in a second opinion when doing a piece based on another culture.
Yeah you can do that, but if they were students and didn’t saved a copy it’s gonna be hard.
unfortunately, yah
I guess the students should get a royalty or smth there isn't much one can do besides that or pulling the songs to right the wrong. Tbh though considering, I think that the students won't ever get the credit unless the media drags that lyricist to hell and back enough for the companies that worked with him to take a step back. Its their revenue after all.
I feel that there's a blatant lack of IP protection worldwide but most IP violations happen when a larger entity rips off a smaller, less defended entity. (big company lyricist vs music student)
I joined
I joined
lol anyone up for a game?
Don't listen to him...
....u alright?
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this one is good too. Youra's stuff tends to be chill as well.