Posts by juliathewizard
how did I instantly know what this was about
all the ones in my CD box:
Evermore-Taylor Swift (my mom keeps folklore it's kind our arrangement)
Lover: Taylor Swift
Cosmograma-Flying Lotus
Sgt Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club Band-The Beatles
Yellow Submarine- The Beatles
Transitus- Ayreon
Mario Galaxy Soundtrack CD
Chicago Transit Authority- Chicago (dad gave it to me)
girl what do you think the disability benefits are for?
8/10. I want that vest.
isn't it a bit different with kpop stans tho? the industry moves really fast.
I guess your right but its something to think about
because all my friends are k-pop haters lol
In my ideal world the disco trend would metamorphize into the more cold electronic disco from the 80s. like italiodisco but that doesnt exactly encompass what im talking about. if you wanna listen to an example here you go
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
everyone thats not me would probably bitch about how dated it sounds (in all fairness it does) so I doubt this will ever actually happen but I can dream.
im sorry this website is a disaster and I can't imbed or link anything. its called digital signal processor by cyber people
In my ideal world the disco trend would metamorphize into the more cold electronic disco from the 80s. like italiodisco but that doesnt exactly encompass what im talking about. if you wanna listen to an example here you go
everyone thats not me would probably bitch about how dated it sounds (in all fairness it does) so I doubt this will ever actually happen but I can dream.
my physical and mental health problems make my life hard sometimes. my hands and legs almost always hurt because of my disability. im worried about my future prospects of living on my own because of my mental health. but on a day to day basis im very happy with my life
ok but this is really funny