Posts by juliathewizard
its been -10 everyday for a week. that's -23.3 degrees Celsius
im so bad at remembering people. for reference I've been a blink for around 2 years and I've only figured out how to tell them all apart. I still can't tell their voices apart except for Lisa's rap. this has always been a huge problem for me. It takes me literal months to remember my own friends names and I can't watch runaway guys cause I can't tell anyone's voices apart except for chuggaconroy. the only reason I know the Star Trek actors names is because it says it in the intro and I never skip it. I feel like people will attack me for not being a "real stan" because of this which is why I don't interact directly with k-pop fandoms much.
iTs oUt? aughefuc- (trips over)
please google marilland big service its one of the funniest things I've ever seen
both MV and song are Iconic
mine is What is Love too but in a different way. im so autistic that I literally don't know how to conceptualize love. Even though it's a cute song that's just meant to be anticipating love it makes be really sad because I feel like I'll never get it. lonely by 2ne1 hits a similar spot for me. sorry about being depressing
I found this and had some fun with it
(not actually mad lol)
you sound like my grandma telling my dad to turn down the black sabbath
But in hindsight we could always point to this distinctive starts, what will be used for this?
we assign exact dates because its easier for us to understand but its not when you really think about it
I'll start
Henry: henry's a big silly golden doodle. he's turning 11 soon and we've had him sense he was a puppy. his favorite human is my mom. he has ridiculously long eyelashes and legs. his favorite things are starring at people, being in the way, begging for food, laying in funny positions, and playing fetch. when he was young he could spring 2 feet in the air and clear half the back yard from jumping off our deck. he also loves the snow. he lies on the shoveled snow pile in our backyard for hours.
Tim: timmy's a mutt my sister found at a rescue connected to her work. it was love at first sight. we've had him for a year now and he's about 7. he's mostly pitbull and chihuahua with a bunch of other stuff. he's white with black spots and he has cute little gray hairs on his face. he's from Texas and we don't know where exactly but he was sheltered in San Antonio, he was gonna be put down but got taken here instead. he gets so upset when my sister (who we call his mom) leaves. the first time he did he was pacing for hours. as you can imagine he frequently barks at nothing. he's a snuggle man too.
myrtle: ah myrtle the turtle! she was a gift for my sister's birthday when she was little. we don't know how old she is but it doesn't really matter cause turtles are practically immortal in captivity. me and my friend used to build playgrounds out of blocks for her to explore. we didn't know if she was male or female when we got her but she actually is because of the color of her eyes. she's a box turtle who likes to hide under things. we lost her under the deck for a week once when we let her walk around outside
George (RIP): George was a black and white shorthair cat. we got him off my mom's collage friends because they we're moving out of their dorm. he was much happier with us because he could go outside. we called him the gangster cat because he would get in fights a lot and had the whole block as his terf. he killed a crap ton of birds and rats in his, life, he even tangled with raccoons on several occasions.
when we forgot to let him back inside he had a whole network of people that would feed him because they thought he was a stray. he was actually very nice to humans as cats go. it took him a few years to get used to Henry but he did. he died in December of 2019 from a tumor at the age of 17. shocking considering his lifestyle.