don't worry, me either
the guilds battle against each other for prizes, basically
that's one some of them got their subforums for example
this is how the guild wars will work this time
Week 4: June 24 - 30
- Hunger Games themed Guild Wars Event
- Guilds must pay a fee of 100 akorns in order to participate.
There is a limited number of members per guild who can take part.
- At most 15 members per guild.
- The event will comprise all the guilds (if possible) or the ones that sign up.
- Guilds will face each other off, 1v1
- Kpop related trivia, challenges, puzzles.
- The guilds that complete the task before their opponent gets to move on.
- The final two guilds will face off with a final challenge.
- The winning guild's reward: TBA
- The event will be held in a separate sub-forum
Week 8: July 24 - 31
- Akorn Farm Harvest Guild Wars Event
- Akorn collecting event.
- Similar format to capture the flag, but guilds compete to collect as many akorns as possible.
- The winning guild is the guild that collects the most -
- During this time period, the number of akorns per thread will increase by two. (So instead of 2 per thread, it will be 4).