but it's hybe's decisions who lead to that. over and over again.
they could even erase all the worst articles about them like did with bang, but he probably conveniently hides behind them. or keeps them up to use it as a mean to victimise the girls, even if they're hurt in the process even more. just to benefit his agenda.
people are humans too, if they see their favorite gg being destroyed and trashed by another agency so another group can take their place, they gonna be mad.
they're gonna hate the b*astard who is behind that and will definitly not fall head over hills with the privileged group. they know how much this evil being is linked to this group, so they wanna hurt him by making them flop because specifically HE tried to sabotage and bury their beloved group just because he wasn't their producer.
honestly? all this ssera mess smells like divine justice. (im not talking about death threats or other abominations but on the public turning their back on them). just towards mhj and the girls. he probably even stole that chella invitation from njz and made the girls dance on the stage with another stolen LV deal from them. utterly EVIL.
don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you! period.
all actions have consequences.
also there is a difference between dislike/distaste and hate. i never agreed that hating anyone was ok?!!
obviously knetz got really nasty with them because they felt humiliated as koreans with their chella stage. it's like they were getting revenge on their brused ego by berating them nonstop. their reaction didn't help either. it's not ok but again, it only really happend because of bang's ego and greed. which is the ROOT of all this mess.
if anything were to happend to ANYONE, it's on him.
i'm sorry but the person who was the most attacked in all this mess was mhj. for DAYS. she didn't do anything to deserve it. she just tried to protect her ips and her company. with the way the media treated her, everybody even the girls were scared that she might k*ll herself. HYBE DID THAT.