hmm you're right.
though i don't entirely agree with the last part. obviously we shouldn't think of strangers as siblings or partners (which is why i find stuff like tinder really weird to be honest lol) but i think it's fine to be casual friends with a few people online.
let it be jsut that
unless you're having personal talks with someone, NEVER see them as friends
good coworkers at max
remember, the internet has an endless number of people and its so easy to drop anyone at the slightest inconvenience knowing you'll find someone better anyway
its not how real life works
in real life, we hold onto people and fight for them because those connections are hard earned
it feels great to receive positivity anywhere of course but do not for a moment think building a favourable image by suppressing your true self on something as subjective as music or performing arts will be stable or good for your mental on the long run