Posts by spark

    Lol I really don't think you even read what i said... Lemme quote some of the stuff I said "I actually like alot of the aspects of the song sonically" : "And I do agree that the song is good, maybe even amazing, in terms of just the instrumentals, melody, etc., but the lyrics make it really fall flat for English speakers.". So clearly I don't think the only reason its charting is because they don't understand English in Korea.. Like I said myself, IMO the song bar the lyrics is quite good. And I know Korea incorporates English into their language all the time so they obviously understand at least some of it, my point was that they wouldn't understand it at a deeper level like a Native English speaker would. The same way a Native English speaker probably wouldn't get cringy Korean lyrics like a Native Korean speaker would. You're also making the assumption that they understand English far better than I understand Korean when you don't even know me... Not saying I'm fluent in Korean, but I've picked up a fair amount to the point where I can read, write, and understand a good amount. Also hello??? Am I the only one who's saying this about the song? There's a reason why there's so much criticism coming from the side of I-fans about the song's lyrics, I was just trying to expound upon that.. To quote another important thing I said "I mean at this point, Kpop doesn't just cater to Korea but globally, so either the companies or the artists need to make sure (and I always say this) to hire a Native English speaker to vet their songs for them before releasing them if they want to have English in their songs." It's just constructive criticism like? If you can't take constructive criticism about a group that you like, maybe you shouldn't be on a kpop forum where people have said things a million times worse than I have.

    You're absolutely right that there's a slew of cringy English lyrics out there in kpop, but with the majority of those, it's just here or there and doesn't overpower the song. Imo with Tomboy, it's bad enough that it takes away from the pleasure of the song for me as I do like to sing along to songs alot of the time. I don't think I could force myself to sing along to some of those lyrics even if I tried. I think another reason it gets so much criticism is because this song was supposed to be G-idle's revival song and it got so much attention for that. After losing Soojin and going on hiatus for over a year, they were supposed to comeback with something amazing. And I do agree that the song is good, maybe even amazing, in terms of just the instrumentals, melody, etc., but the lyrics make it really fall flat for English speakers. I mean at this point, Kpop doesn't just cater to Korea but globally, so either the companies or the artists need to make sure (and I always say this) to hire a Native English speaker to vet their songs for them before releasing them if they want to have English in their songs.

    For their best b-side I'm surprised you didn't mention:

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    Anyway ofc Miniskirt and Heart Attack are iconic.

    I feel like the reason why there is such a divide between i and k fans over this song is the cringe English lyrics of it. Like I really wish I didn't understand any of it, I'd probably streamed 2x more if I didn't.

    Sammmeee for Tomboy. I actually like alot of the aspects of the song sonically, but the lyrics really screw it up for me. I can't even listen to it because of that. I think the reason it's dominating so well in Korea is because that obviously doesn't translate over to them. They won't really understand that the English lyrics are cringy and just think of the English lyrics as just English, so it's really just left to the song itself, and maybe the overall message that can be gathered from it. Anyways, I'm just disappointed that the song that made G-Idle skyrocket is one that has bad lyrics...

    I see people kind of coming at Jessica for not prioritizing SNSD, but she was originally supposed to be in TTS and was shafted AND THEN started working on her own thing.

    Is there proof or documentation of this? I never knew about this, and if she was supposed to be in TTS, who was the member that wasn't gonna be in it? I'm assuming Taeyeon would've gotten a spot no matter what, so was it Tiffany or Seohyun who wasn't supposed to be in it?

    Apink were 7 at debut, became 6 early on, and prospered for a really long time before becoming 5 now. 2pm were 7 at debut, became 6 early on, and did well after becoming 6 too. Beast/Highlight were 6 from debut and did really well until they became 5 and now 4. It maybe seems to be more of a new gen thing for some reason..

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