I'm not mad at her! I'm mad that birthday is a special day. Other members should be allowed to connect with their stans like this. Not just her. And don't say something like they don't want to. It's an excuse you Jennie stans know best. We know that jisoo lisa and rose want to do something special in their birthdays too. They always have this pattern where jisoo is the one who's always on vlive channel. Jennie and rose do live on instagram. And lisa in a year post 2 videos on her own channel. Is it fair that she's not even allowed to post her everyday life on her channel?. When it's not a dancing video it's always videos of other members. We've had enough with this discrimination. And if you think about it. Her subscribers are going nowhere. Bc she is not allowed to post her stuff on it
Your issue is with the fact that Jennie did something, it's not based on anything else. You say Jennie's birthday is always a special occasion, when it's just stuff she wants to do.
Rosie got a cover in 2019.
Lisa literally got her Photobook released last year.
Jisoo is the only one that's never done anything like that for her birthday.
In fact, Lisa and Rosie haven't even had their birthdays this year. I expect you to make a thread on Jisoo's unfair birthday treatment if Lisa or Rosie release something special for their birthdays.