I literally saw them in concert and bought their albums. You think you know me? I'm rarely on these forums.
Posts by CranMelon
I've met autistic people all with differences in personalities and strengths so no
Desmond was around a literal convicted murderer and that's his mom exploiting him and introducing him to some shady people. His situation isn't the only side of drag though. Drag queens really are just dressing up. It's not a sexual thing by itself. I don't think it's harmful as long as it's a wholesome drag queen. Should kids be in adult clubs? No. But I don't see a problem with them being aware of drag queens and learning and interacting with them.
I never did. I have too many of my own problems to care about all that lol I agree with certain issues, but people getting offended over things that are really non-issues really must be bored with their lives.
A doughnut lol
Wendy's! I still like McDonalds but Wendy's is slightly better quality to me.
Ludacris rapping "I fill 'er up - balloons!" in My Chick Bad
I mean certain religious people against masturbation call it self-r*pe but I don't know about harrassment
People moaning and grunting when they eat and scraping forks and knives on plates
The Legend of the Blue Sea. It's pretty entertaining and has its funny moments.
She did nothing wrong. Plus, the video doesn't even show a source or screenshot of a petition. This could all be made up.
That's strange but also kinda hilarious
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
I really hope the feminist movement in South Korea goes somewhere. There is so much pushback from misogynists but a lot of feminist's concerns there are 100% valid.
Leftover pizza!
Yoona. I always thought Jessica was prettier.