ways to help save the planet so we'll (humanity as a whole) be alive past 2100 DO NOT IGNORE THIS OR YOUR FAVES GET LICE /s

  • 1. Cut down on beef, if possible. the methane and co2 emmitted just to make 2kg of beef is ridculously high. beef has the largest carbon impact of all meats, a shame bc it's really quite delicious. welp. anywy, a meatless monday (or tuesday, it doesn't have to be monday) also works. also growing your own food is good too. learn more at https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local

    2. Use reusable water bottles, metal utensils, cloth napkins, reusable shopping bags, etc, to reduce pollution. it also saves money! learn more at https://greatist.com/happiness/eco-friendly-tips-save-cash#1

    3. there's a reason reduce comes first in "reduce, reuse, recycle" because it's the best. if you don't need it, pls don't.

    4. make ecosia, oceanhero or ekoru your default broswer! ecosia is the best imho bc it doesn't use any of your personal information at all and is the most transparent about what it does with ad revenue. learn more at https://info.ecosia.org/about

    5. join my opentabs leaderboard :) with every 5 tabs opened, a tree gets saved. learn more at https://opentabs.org/

    6. STOP MOWING YOUR DAMN LAWN. not only is it bad for the local wildlife, it's ableist af. how is it ableist, you ask? I am autistic and lawnmowers drive me up the wall with their noise, exhaust, grass clippings, and extremely short lawns give me a rash. ergo, lawnmowers are ableist. #logic

    7. renewable energy, if you can afford it. if not, try to reduce your energy usage.

    8. spread the word :) also please join my opentabs leaderboard :)

    before anyone asks, I am NOT being paid by ecosia or oceanhero or ekoru. I merely care very much about the environment and if you ignore this post you are ableist /s

    thank you :)

    and!!!!!!!!!! USE LESS TOILET PAPER. or get a bidet. Lulu_Key  4NIA4  MY-Kwangya


    also Lulu_Key said "Not buying fast fashion and not driving personal cars will have a bigger affect"

    very good point, i forgot that not everyone knows about those

    have a kookie

    271675761022201.jpg :akorns::akorns::akorns::akorns:

  • Everything is good, except doing without Beef. XD

    Interesting point about Lawns. Early Spring the back yard grass is wild, tall and thick. Birds and Squirrels love it. Once its mowed Birds give a once over and the Squirrels stay in the Trees. But the Cats like to stealthily ambush gophers.

  • I'm right on 1 as I'm vegetarian.

    I do reuse my water bottles as well as other recycled items. I never use plastic bags.

    I can't do 6 as I live in a rental property and I don't think my owner would be happy if I never mowed my lawn.

    I reduce my power consumption and have some of the lowest bills around. Electricity and gas. I live in the dark most of the time.

    I'm doing my bit for the planet.

  • Honestly what you mentioned are OK but not the best ways

    Not buying fast fashion and not driving personal cars will have a bigger affect but people aren't willing to give up what they like

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  • Everything is good, except doing without Beef. XD

    Interesting point about Lawns. Early Spring the back yard grass is wild, tall and thick. Birds and Squirrels love it. Once its mowed Birds give a once over and the Squirrels stay in the Trees. But the Cats like to stealthily ambush gophers.

    Environmental impact of food by life cycle stage


  • Honestly what you mentioned are OK but not the best ways

    Not buying fast fashion and not driving personal cars will have a bigger affect but people aren't willing to give up what they like

    i thought giving up fast fashion and not driving cars was common knowlegde tbh. but good point

  • i thought giving up fast fashion and not driving cars was common knowlegde tbh. but good point

    I don't see anyone doing it though

    which is sad

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  • You have use tp after using bidet though

    You gotta dry out your bum

    A wet bum is not pleasant

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  • Here's the thing. Even if we do we many things as possible to reduce waste and use less energy all that hard-work is more than offset by the corporations that guzzle fuel, burn fossils daily, throw away tons and tons of watse and so on.

    Like if I reduce meat that sounds good. But then I live near a main road where often heavy diesel lorrys and buses go up and down non stop through the day. I bet if everyone living the entire length of the road reduced their intake of meat that still would pale in comparison to the level of pollution given off by those vehicles.

    Our estate has normal bins and recycle bins and when the program was originally set up only specific things were to be put into them. The bin for recycling come every 2 weeks while normal bins come every week. So it's gotten to the point where recycle bins are overflowing and people resort to just putting everything into normal bins this defeating the point of recycling. Worse is often because we supposed to put paper and plastic in the recycle bins, anything else basically means that bin is very difficult to separate and recycle and often means it's going to end up in a landfill anyway. It's why recycling takes 2 weeks because it's allegedly it's too expensive to collect and sift through everything weekly....so if it's too expensive to properly implement properly then we end up with a poor service that might be invalid anyway then what the hell is the point of the recycling scheme?

    That's just the local stuff. Large companies like supermarkets are notorious for doing shit like throw away still edible food, fast cheap fashion is not only damaging to environment but also exploitative, and fossil fuels still run the majority of power we use. It's well and good telling people to less energy but the energy source we have available is destroying the world.

    It's fine and all wanting people to go out of their way to reduce climate change but seeing some of the changes me and others have made totally mean nothing in the grand scheme of things makes me think what is the point? The responsibility should be on the corporations and governments, not on the people

  • My county district doesn't allow grasses over a certain height or brush piles so a lot of my yard looks depressing ;( I'm working on replacing as much as possible with native bushes and wildflowers but it's a difficult task when the lawn takes morning till sundown just to mow

    𝒮𝐻𝐼𝒩𝑒𝑒 - 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 - 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇 - 𝑀𝑜𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶 𝒳 - 𝒯𝒳𝒯


  • Gotcha you there too. I do use less toilet paper. I buy in bulk so it lasts me ages.

  • "The responsibility should be on the corporations and governments, not on the people"

    why can't the responsibility be on both? are the corporations and government not run by people?

  • it's no mow may! i'm trying to reuse all my trading supplies because people are too sensitive and want very specific packaging, might as well give it back to them. i'm also too cheap to buy washi tape. i have brought a reuseable water bottle to school every day since 1st grade, (I fainted and it freaked my teacher out)

    where exactly does no-mow may take place? bc it sure as hell doesn't where i live. it's legally mandated to mow lawns at least once a week, to prevent it from being taller than 1-2 inches

  • My county district doesn't allow grasses over a certain height or brush piles so a lot of my yard looks depressing ;( I'm working on replacing as much as possible with native bushes and wildflowers but it's a difficult task when the lawn takes morning till sundown just to mow

    just don't mow

  • "The responsibility should be on the corporations and governments, not on the people"

    why can't the responsibility be on both? are the corporations and government not run by people?

    No. How can a person or family be tasked with the brunt of responsibility when all our work is rendered meaningless in a few hours or even minutes by the gov and/or corps.

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