
  • 168586-ncountingt-png


    As some of you know, half of nct barely graduated high school.

    let's teach the neos (and zuzu because she can't do basic arithmetic) how to count!



    1. Start from the number one and keep counting until you and the other players reach your goal!
    2. You do not have to count in turns, whoever sees the number first will post.
    3. Be careful!...
      1. If one person repeats a number:

        player a: 1
        player b: 2
        player c: 3
        player d: 3
        player e: 4
        player f: 5

        player d will transfer 2 akorns to player c because player c already posted the number first. the game continues, and player d can keep playing.

      2. If the number is repeated 2 times:

        player a: 1
        player b: 2
        player c: 3
        player d: 3
        player e: 3
        player f: 4

        player d and e will both transfer 2 akorns each to player c.

      3. If a number is skipped:

        player a: 1
        player b: 2
        player c: 3
        player d: 4
        player e: 5
        player f: 7
        player g: 6

        player f will transfer 2 akorns to the user who posts the correct number (in this case, it is player g)

      4. If any users aren't posting for at least 20 minutes:

        it doesn't matter as long as the counting is in order. you can post twice if a row in no one else posts for a while and/or in order to keep the game going. as long as its not blatantly collecting :akorns::akorns:

    Edited 9 times, last by zuzuhhaa ().

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