Is bullying culture accepted more in the west compared to Korea?

  • Many ifans are wondering why Koreans are going crazy with bullying accusations and reports. Obviously nobody condones bullying but there's obviously a difference in reaction. Koreans think that even bullying done decades ago should be answered by the bully, and they deserve to have their lives ruined in turn. While in the West bullies aren't completely demonized but considered just a negative part of society, but not 100% evil like in Korea.

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  • It's the other way around, dood. It's because it's not accepted that there are way fewer cases of bullying in the West. I for one have never seen a case of bullying in my entire school life. If anything, I was the bullied one since I was the smallest boy in class. I was the one who sucked at sports and was always picked last for teams. Yet nobody was mean to me to the point I went crying in a dark corner.

    If I got bullied for real and told my dad, I can tell you he would have went to the bully's dad and teach him a lesson. "Scold your fuckin brat of a child and if he does it again, I'll come back for you." Something along those lines. Korean people seem so apathetic about it though.

  • So I'm just speaking from my experience in school but the first thing is that in the US the severity of bullying is to a lesser degree than that in Korea. There were many bullies in my school but they didn't do the type of bullying you see in Korea. The bullies made fun of their victims verbally. It was mostly verbal harassment. The bullies didn't slap the victim, throw trash on the victim, steal their money, or do any of the other types of bullying seen in Korea.

    So if others had/have a similar high school experience, many international fans will project their own experiences onto those of Koreans. They don't understand the social and cultural implications of bullying in Korea. At all.

  • So if others had/have a similar high school experience, many international fans will project their own experiences onto those of Koreans. They don't understand the social and cultural implications of bullying in Korea. At all.

    Okay fine. But as seen in the recent stories of bullying, even in Korea not every case is about physical violence, degrading and stealing money. Nowadays we see people telling their story revolving around a vocal argument on the phone. I understand if Koreans are extra picky about bullying, but please at least look at the facts at hand. Otherwise they're just projecting too, just like the i-fans do.

  • The bullies made fun of their victims verbally. It was mostly verbal harassment. The bullies didn't slap the victim, throw trash on the victim, steal their money, or do any of the other types of bullying seen in Korea.

    Coming from an Asian country it's kinda true? The kind of bullying in my school is less physical, more verbal. Anything physical won't really be tolerated, or if there is any it might be gang related which is outside of school compounds.

    A lot of the bullying is more verbal, and our usage of vulgarities is very very common because of the language we speak

  • I forgot which thread I read this on but the Korean mom telling her kid to slap another kid just to put them in their place was: ?( Is this child rearing or preparing your child for a life in organized crime?


    "And they escorted her to a prison cell..."


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