Hello! So, I was thinking recently: what do you want to be known for many years in the future? How do you want to impact those around you? Why in that particular way? This could be related to this website, the internet in general, real life, whatever you want to answer for.
After doing some reflection, I think my answers for both here and in real life are not that different. I want to be known for helping others or doing nice things for them without being asked (I mean, that's not why I'm doing those types of things as all, but being remembered for that would be nice). I want to be known as someone who is willing to work hard when I need to. Who doesn't give up on the things I am passionate about, no matter how bad the odds are. Who loved to read and write and wanted to inspire that love into someone else. Someone who tried to improve someone else's life and leave the world a better place than I found it. Who had arguments and made mistakes, but afterwards, used those moments to become a better person. Someone who didn't know everything. Someone who love passionately and deeply. Who forgives and trusts others way too easily. Who loves to laugh and make jokes. A person who was generous and would give what I have to other people with no hesitation. Most importantly though, someone who, more than anything else, loved to make people happy and wanted to inspire them.
I think that's what I would say for mine. It might change over time, but we'll have to see. So, what do you want your legacy to be?
Have a great day/night!