[rant] i've been trying to stop for years, but here's why im officially done reading traslation sites that translate shit from pann and theqoo

  • lies, media manipulation, cyber bullying, and trolling

    1. netizenbuzz and pannchoa are not sites i want to support. they have a history of cherry picking bad comments and bad articles to present us with the worse case scenario of a situation. i got super fed up with netizenbuzz particularly in the past when they felt the need to translate any random article with racist sentiment against black people. and i am finally done with pannchoa after this garam and bts enlistment stuff.

    2. pann and theqoo are hardly credible websites. they are literally forum sites overrun by teenage kpop fans and sometimes they are shilled to us as so much more. as ifans these sites are toted as genuine places to see the "gps opinion", though the place that was better for that , naver, turned off comments in the entertainment section to protect idol mental health. that says a lot

    3. pann and theqoo are full of just straight up lies and overreactions to things. many pann and theqoo commenters are stuck on things that are just not true, for example the constant referral to sakura as "right wing". something can be debunked a million times over and random pann user 1232 will still be bringing it up.

    4. im tired of caring what korean netizens have to say unless it is a cultural issue. their opinions do not mean more than those of interanational fans in any way to be put on the influential pedestal some people put them on. and even the whole anti chinese and anti japanese sentiment can get so weird. koreans calling other people right wing while also being right wing. the hypocrisy is overflowing.

    i have always been the type of person that thrives on discussion. i like having an opinion, seeing other people's opinions, and sharing my own. but sometimes it can be incredibly overwhelming. i am ready to just enjoy things for what they are and take conversations on as they interest me instead of seeking out conversations that irk me.

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