Tell me the most funny thing someone who dosn't speaks English told you about the English language
Basicly my grandma as I was 7 years old and we got a dog called "Bobby"
Grandma: "What name do you gave the dog?"
Me: "The animal shelter called him Bobby, we kept the name"
Grandma: "That is English for Police officer, so was your dog at the British police?"
Me: "Ah no grandma, and I don't think that they call their police officers in Britain "Bobby" I guess..."
Grandma: "I have no idea, but ask your aunt, she is married to someone from Britain"
Grandma: "Bobby is the Police in England right?"
Aunt: "They arn't..."
Grandma: "No no no... it's Bobby, like the new dog... you know"
Aunt: sights "Ok mom...I guess I can't dissagree with you"
Aunt's Scottish husband: "If you see it on a perspective that your mom was in London 20 years ago, she might be right at some point"
Rest of the entire family who knows English or is even fluently: "It's "Police Officer" goddamn!"