Has anyone watched Thirty-Nine?
is forecasting love and weather good?
Should I continue watching it? I stopped after her friend was diagnosed of cancer i don’t want to see her die.
(I’m waiting for new episode of Twenty Five- Twenty One, Business Proposal & Forecasting Love & weather
I need something to watch
Hi, if you want to cry every episode, keep watching. It's depressing.
I only watch it because I love the actress Jeon MiDo ( the one with cancer) she's amazing.
omg i love jeon mido too, shes also why im watching thirty nine. did u watch hospital playlist????i absolutely love her acting in hp and also her osts
omg i love jeon mido too, shes also why im watching thirty nine. did u watch hospital playlist????i absolutely love her acting in hp and also her osts
Yup, hoping for HP season 3 🙏
Wow you have so much free time
Ikr? I don’t visit akp that much cuz im binge watching netflix and reading books
I don’t wanna watch it if its depressing
Ikr? I don’t visit akp that much cuz im binge watching netflix and reading books
Akp >>> books
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