Here is a comparison of the Top 10 Most streamed Songs on Spotify and their YT views in comparison as of Feb 14th: AS you can see #1- 1B on Spotify - 117M on YT (gap of 883M) #2 - 883M on Spotify - 298M YT (gap of 585M) #3 - 815M Spotify - 163M YT (gap of 652M) #4 - 750M Spotify - 196M YT (gap of 554M) #5 - 696M Spotify - 72M YT (gap of 624M) #6 - 687M Spotify - 271M YT (gap of 416M) #7 - 683M Spotify - 851M YT (gap of 168M) #8 - 680M on Spotify - 342M YT (gap of 338M) #9 - 669M on Spotify - 119M on YT (gap of 550M) #10 - 666M on Spotify - 1.6B on YT (gap of 934M All the other 9 have gaps of 300M+ while Dynamite gap is around 160-170M Dynamite is just insane