So how do you guys feel about Real Person Fanfiction and suggestive art?

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    Let me preface by saying I do read shipping or RPF fics. Or well I used to at least when I initially got into the EXO fandom not so much now but none the less I have greatly enjoyed them and it was a big part of my fandom experience. Some stories used to be written so well I swear they were even better than books! There’s a lot of talent in the fanfics/art community.

    However. Just because I enjoy it and think it’s harmless it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily so. And honestly I can’t really offer a concrete reason why writing sexual content or drawing suggestive art about idols isn’t ‘bad’.

    I do think the intent behind deep fakes and such things is different than writing fanfics because yes there are adults writing it too but the kpop fandom is predominantly teenagers and the vast majority of the people participating in it are indeed teens.

    I’m conflicted tbh what do you guys think about it?

  • i think explicit art is inapropriate tbh. it's different when it's a character but these are real people. and a lot of times it looks very realistic and similar to the actual idols. so i feel like they're very similar to deepfakes.

    fanfiction however, is just words. the authors use the persona of a real person as a character in their story. it's not like they're claiming the situation in the story is real or that the characters are actually the idols. i just see it as a part of teenage fan culture.

  • i think explicit art is inapropriate tbh. it's different when it's a character but these are real people. and a lot of times it looks very realistic and similar to the actual idols. so i feel like they're very similar to deepfakes.

    fanfiction however, is just words. the authors use the persona of a real person as a character in their story. it's not like they're claiming the situation in the story is real or that the characters are actually the idols. i just see it as a part of teenage fan culture.

    There’s so much suggestive art. Nude art. Sexual art. And it’s very common and even admired. I mean to say 2D style drawing or cartoon ish drawings and other stuff it’s obvious it’s not real. But I guess some are really realistic and those seem worse.

  • Gross and weird tbh, I know for some it's just a hobby but i highkey cringe at some of these. As long as the idols won't see it though, I guess it's fine? At least teens are developing their skills (even if there's better ways to do that).

    Except for the explicit art, people who do that are no better than the ones who camp on rule34 domains or watch deepfake porn

    narcissistic, my god i love it


    Edited once, last by catzi ().

  • Gross and weird tbh, I know for some it's just a hobby but i highkey cringe at some of these. As long as the idols won't see it though, I guess it's fine? At least teens are developing their skills (even if there's better ways to do that).

    Except for the explicit art, people who do that are no better than the ones who camp on rule34 domains or watch deepfake porn

    Tbh there’s a lot of fanart that’s in artist own style. It only resembles the idols but it’s obvious it’s like just a picture and not real. And unless I know who they’re drawing I won’t know it’s that idol even.

  • Imo fanfics are fine as long as its not ships, im sorry. Like you x reader are okay, i read some myself sometimes, because the idol doesnt know u(if that makes sense?) but for ships it can make things awkward and the idol feel uncomfortable around that person.

    nsfw art is obviously a no-no. dont like it never did. However simple/cute art is okay

    You are my Celebrity


  • Imo fanfics are fine as long as its not ships, im sorry. Like you x reader are okay, i read some myself sometimes, because the idol doesnt know u(if that makes sense?) but for ships it can make things awkward and the idol feel uncomfortable around that person.

    nsfw art is obviously a no-no. dont like it never did. However simple/cute art is okay

    I’m the opposite there’s nothing I hate more than reader fics. Like if it’s all idols or OCs in my head it’s more like they’re fictional characters but having the reader makes it more “real” I guess?

  • Reader and OC fics are the same imo because you kinda "insert" yourself if that makes sense?

    I was thinking OCs for non main characters. Lol sorry. Yeah all of that Idol x Reader Idol x OC for me those I just can’t consume. They become fantasies not stories if that makes sense. When I read idol idol I’m reading it as a fictional story not as a fantasy I guess.

  • explicit or sexual fan art is disgusting imo. It's fine to draw and take inspiration from your faves but when you sexualize them beyond what they've shown on stage or whatever, especially with shipping then it crosses a line. Fanfics of real people aren't great either but idols are less likely to come across fanfics or accidentally read them than they are to view inappropriate pictures.

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