[So I fucked around and...] ranked the most dominant foreign artists digitally.
Conan Gray? Wow, that’s more unexpected than Korea liking Party Rock Anthem.
maniac did pretty well
Do you guys see it? Numbers are almost doubling, while kpop songs were getting kinda less
i wouldn’t say double but yeah the market is flipping
Are you joking or for real?
Only half-joking.
GOT7 was actually named after g.o.d., and 5LIVE was renamed Day 6 because Korean fans complained that their original name reminded them too much of Maroon 5. Still, the grammatical resemblance (to English-speaking fans, at least) seems uncanny. I'm not aware of the management ever making a statement as to why they followed the same sort of name pattern. (But then again, 2PM and 2AM already existed for several years. JYPE just has a habit of naming their groups with numbers. See also 15&.)
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