Is twitter the only website in existence??
God damn. These annoying slow ass loading twitter links.
Fuck that place.
Is twitter the only website in existence??
God damn. These annoying slow ass loading twitter links.
Fuck that place.
Is twitter the only website in existence??
Yes. It's a little known fact, but this website is actually part of twitter.
stan twitter or something
Is twitter the only website in existence??
God damn. These annoying slow ass loading twitter links.
Fuck that place.
I think posting twitter embeds should be used with spoilers so the page loads in quick and that means when you click on the spoiler the tweet itself can load faster as well due to having uncontested networking.
well that's where a lot of people get their news and information from...
Despite its reputation it is a very powerful connector tool. It allows any variety of content and has largely taken over the blogosphere.
Stan twitter also seem really far ahead and on top of their news as well. Some tweets even broke news before akp, s00mpi or k0re@b00 got to it.
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