It's already 2022, Where's Beomgyu Song Cover?

  • After so many performance on December, I just want any member post something related to music :cryingk:

    But anw, here's some of Beomgyu's singing part which I like.

    Love Sight. This might be #1 for me, Beomgyu low range vocal for ballad sounds really comforting.

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    Eyes. Idc if it's children song, I really love it

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    Ito <3

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    Of course Maze In The Mirror

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  • He said he prepares hard for it. I think we gonna get a cover like Yeonjun-Taehyun’s. With an actual video because he said he preparing something.


    Also I’m sorry but I’m gonna add this too:

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    He was so good.

  • One of the best highlights of this cover!

  • Him going for opera :dancer:

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    This was so funny.


    I love it when he does that deep voice thing. It’s so different from how he looks.

  • Him going for opera :dancer:

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    When this is airing, actually I'm surprised heard him singing like this :smirks2: baritone privilege.

  • I forget that he's such a perfectionist when it comes to performance :pepe-notes:

    Ughh...yes, I love his part in here. :pepe-cowboy: I guess their PD already know how to utilize his vocal properly started from Freeze era.

  • I forget that he's such a perfectionist when it comes to performance :pepe-notes:

    Ughh...yes, I love his part in here. :pepe-cowboy: I guess their PD already know how to utilize his vocal properly started from Freeze era.

    Have you ever listened Dear Sputnik and trying to find him in the background? That boy sings a lot and we don’t really notice it.


    With you, we fly!

    I love how he just in the background with his deep voice. I also noticed him under Taehyun and Hyuka, and I think there is a part where I thought it was Soobin who did falsetto but it might be him.


    I’m studying his voice.


  • Goodbumps on the first song


  • He harmonises with taehyun often and it sounds so good :groovins:

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