(please help) did i do the right thing?

  • did i do the right thing? 8

    1. yes (8) 100%
    2. no (0) 0%

    i have a friend who's in middle school, she's 13 and tonight she was cyber-bullied. she was added in a group chat with a guy she knows from band and a random girl she doesn't know.

    she got told the following things from the both of them:

    i reported it anonymously to the school online. she never tells her parents (divorced) anything and when i told her she should tell the principal, she said she emailed the band teacher (they're close) and would rather discuss it with them but she downplays what happens to her a lot so i can't be sure what version of the story the band teacher got.

    i am used to being a social pariah, so i've been around this block.

    i'm scared that she'll hate me if she finds out but at the same time she never advocates for herself and what she was told by those bullies shouldn't be taken lightly.

    did i do the right thing?

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • you definitely did the right thing. behavior like that should never be tolerated.

    she might hate you for it now, but i honestly believe that's much better than letting it continue and potentially putting her and her mental health in a lot more danger.

  • god whoever those fucking losers were, id make their life a living hell.

    what the fuck makes them think that's okay in any way?

    saying things like that cannot ever be justified.

  • You already know you did the right thing.

    Sometimes doing the right thing requires doing what is best for the person even if the person doesn't believe it's best for themself. They won't understand the seriousness at the given moment because their mind isn't in the right place, but they'll recognize it at a later point. Even if they don't end up appreciating it, they're safe from a brewing situation that could affect them later in life.

  • You already know you did the right thing.

    Sometimes doing the right thing requires doing what is best for the person even if the person doesn't believe it's best for themself. They won't understand the seriousness at the given moment because their mind isn't in the right place, but they'll recognize it at a later point. Even if they don't end up appreciating it, they're safe from a brewing situation that could affect them later in life.

    i know i did the right thing in general but i'm trying to let go of the doubt it was the right thing for her? like what if she gets bullied more bc i said something? i just want her to be happy.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • Mostly right. I can imagine your friend being embarassed to show those messages to faculty even if they are close so will probably not be 100% with the band teacher. But you never know, things could've been worked out with just having the band teacher involved. At least this way you have more assurance.

  • i know i did the right thing in general but i'm trying to let go of the doubt it was the right thing for her? like what if she gets bullied more bc i said something? i just want her to be happy.

    Ah, I see. What would be the alternative? She continues to be bullied without anyone's attempt to stop it. I don't think any of those bullies are going to just suddenly stop without intervention.

    Even if they continue to bully her, you challenged them even if indirectly. The fact that someone knows should deter them a bit, and I would hope that the teacher, principal, and parents become more observant to stop what's going on. I also recommend trying to follow up to see if anything has changed.

    You did the right thing.

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