So recently Twice answered some of Turkish Once's questions thru a magazine, which was very surprising to me I couldn't find an English translation online so I translated it (
kind of shittily but oh well). Here's the source:
1. If you could sing another sub-unit song with different members, which members would you want it to be and what kind of song would it be?
Mina: I want to try a hiphop/rap song with our rappers Dahyun and Chaeyoung. That being said, since it's a hiphop song where Chaeyoung rapped, I kind of wished I had Nayeon's part in their sub-unit song "Hello".
2. Twice entered Billboard Hot100 list with their first fully English single "The Feels". How did you feel when you were preparing the song and after you saw you entered the list? Were you expecting it to debut on the Hot100?
Nayeon: We thought it would be really hard, so we were very surprised to see that it charted on Hot100! All of out members were very excited to hear the news and we thought that working on recording a fully English song was really worth it.
3. How did you feel the first night you spend at your dorm as Twice right after the Sixteen finale?
Dahyun: To be honest, it's kind of hard to remember our first night since it's so long ago but I remember I was really excited to finally be able to go on stage. The thought of performing on the stage and that my trainee years ended felt unreal.
4. You've been releasing music frequently for 6 years, how do you get ready for your albums? And you also write many of your own songs, how is the process?
Jihyo: I tried composing for the first time for this album with the song "Cactus". I wrote this song from my pet cactus' perspective and the process was very fun because I kept imagining how the members' voices could give life to the melody and the lyrics.
5. Is there anything you want Onces to specifically pay attention to while listening to your 3. studio album Formula of Love?
Jeongyeon: We tried recording as subunits for the first time. Since these songs are split into less members than usual, we had a lot more parts that we needed to practice on to perfect them. I felt a lot of responsibility to nail my own parts so I really hope Onces enjoyed this new attempt!
6. If you could shoot a mv for one of your b-side songs, which one would it be and what kind of mv would you want for it?
Sana: I would like to shoot a mv for "Rewind". Since the song itself is very slow and mellow, the feeling of the mv would be dramatic.
7. What is your favorite song with the most memorable lyrics from the songs you've recorded so far?
Momo: The lyrics of "Feel Special" is really touching for me and it always reminds me that I'm an important person. I hope the listeners who are going through difficult times can also feel that they matter while listening to this song!
8. Do you consider visiting Turkey? What do you want to say to Turkish Onces and all the Onces around the world who speak different languages?
Nayeon: We definitely want to visit Turkey and meet Turkish Onces! We're so grateful that there are Onces who support us and enjoy our music all around the world. Please stay healthy, I hope we will meet you all soon!
9. Many people look up to you as a role model and take you inspiration from you. What does this mean to you?
Dahyun: I also take inspiration and energy from our fans as much as they do from us. I think we have a healthy give-and-take relationship of love(?). This motivates me to keep making music.
10. You kept working as a group for all these years. Recently you have more solo work than the past, how does it feel to work alone? What kind of solo activities do you wish to have?
Chaeyoung: I want to compose/produce music for Twice. I also want to film my daily life as a vlog series but I never have the energy for it. I'll definitely try to make a vlog series when I have the time and energy!
11. Because of the pandemic, you've been having online concerts instead of offline ones. What do you expect from your first offline concert after a very long time this December?
Tzuyu: I can't wait to meet Onces in December! I look forward to performing the songs we released after the pandemic started. It makes me so excited to imagine Onces filling up the venue and having eye contact with them!
12. What kind of plans do you have for your careers for the upcoming years?
Jihyo: Just like how we tried different things for this album, such as subunits, we want to keep finding new ways to express ourselves and imrove. There's a lot of different faces(?) of Twice we want to share with the world, so please keep watching us!