Travis did all that he could

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    How was he supposed to know mfs was dying!???? He heard more screams of support than screams of help.

    “hE KnEw wHAt wAS GoiNG oN”

    Have y’all ever been on stage with 50k in the audience? How are y’all gonna hold him completely accountable when all he hears is cheers??? He made way for thousands who were passed out. That’s ALL HE KNEW. He didn’t know mfs were dead.

    Why am I sticking up for him?? You’re only asking that question because he is rich and famous

    Y’all refuse to empathize with those who are more well off than you. Y’all automatically assume people like him are void of empathy or guilt because of their net worth. LOOOL POOR YOU. You don’t know how to humanize with other humans because they have more money than you.

    Mf has an entire child on the way. I pray for a healthy and happy delivery

  • The whole situation was unfortunately badly handled.

    But he is definitely not the one to be hold full accountable here.

    When your on stage it’s impossible to get the full picture of what’s going on in the crowed. So it was the organizers job to stop the whole thing by coming on stage and explain the situation.

    Also the concert goers were at fault for not caring enough about each other. Heard people were passing by people who lied unconsciously on the Ground or didn’t move for ambulance, security or helpers to reach out to those he needed help.

    A complete mess.

    People are criticizing Travis more because he was the face the event and so someone they can direct their anger too. Which isn’t fair, but that’s what many people unfortunately do.

  • I think it's defo the organisators who failed and should be held accountable ...about Trevis I'm not sure tbh's true that on stage it's sometime difficult to realise what's really happening down there but he's got history of urging his fans to break loose and also that one when he urged his fan to jump down from somewhere quite high telling him the people will catch him and the fan is paralyzed now he doesn't seem like he cares for his fans safety that much but idk really, I don't think we have a right to judge

    I'm sure it'll go to court so let them decide

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