I wanted to share a video from Reddit but IDK if that would even show up on the side, same goes to TikTok ... are such videos shown when you post the link or what do you need to insert to make the links shown as video? Or are we only allowed to post Youtube-links?
I wanted to share a video from Reddit but IDK if that would even show up on the side, same goes to TikTok ... are such videos shown when you post the link or what do you need to insert to make the links shown as video? Or are we only allowed to post Youtube-links?
Currently, our site doesn't support Reddit and TikTok embeds. The links will just show up as links, not the videos themselves. You're definitely still allowed to post them. It's not against our rules, assuming it's appropriate content.
The following sources are embeddable (just copy and paste the link into your post):