It seems that when people talk about Rose's "real" voice/vocals, they alway leave out her high voice and only include her deep voice and say that it isn't "real". I personally find this sad because higher voices are just as beautiful as deep voices.
I think some forget that woman, have a vocal range. Meaning we don't just talk/sing in just one type of voice. What I am trying to say is, some woman have a high voice and a deep voice.
For example me, I have a deep voice when talking but when singing it goes higher and I am more comfortable singing higher. I also have a extremely high voice when screaming(probably the only reason why my crush looked at me eye to eye without it being the intentions of some academic thing. Yes my life is sad).
Rose's high voice is her real voice too, it is part of her vocal range. And we can clearly see it, no one really has a "fake voice". If you can reach a certain note without sounding like a dying goat that probably means it is in your vocal range.
And don't say Rose sounds like a dying goat because Gone and On The Ground says otherwise.
Personally I find this whole fake/real voice a little confusing, unless you are someone that voices a cartoon character, you are probably using a voice that you normally use.