I don't think any other asian music artist puts it out there like Haru

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    Let’s start our paradigm shift

    When I say, ‘Capitalism sucks’, some people say, ‘Are you a socialist?’, and when I say, ‘I’m a feminist’, some people say, ‘Do you hate men?’. Every time I’m said such things, I feel the defeat of education from the bottom of my heart. I can’t clearly figure what let education be lost, but for example, I might roughly describe them as those who belong to the class where they get the wealth and power by the existing social systems.

    Education has the power that lead to the revolution. But it’s complicated, we can’t make it easily and shortly and it doesn’t have the clear goal. Those people seem not to want to let their wealth go at all and for that want to maintain the existing rotten systems that secure their power, they cover up the structures of exploitation bit by bit and don’t give children right education not to let citizens have the choice of revolutions. The descriptions about the comport women who were used as wartime sex slaves on the history textbooks are reduced and the wars of aggression by Japan are transfigured as ‘History of Asian liberation’ on some of them, and on the news programs the comedians comment on the social situations and politics, not the scientists and the experts, and the YouTuber having more than 2 million subscribers triumphantly said, ‘I don’t pay taxes to give the money to people on welfare. Though art including music have the side as education, musicians on this country are mostly asked not to give their opinions about the societies and politics to join in the mainstream of Japanese music market, and even though we’re made sing ‘Love Me Tender’ of Elvis Presley in music class, the music textbook didn’t tell us what history had made Rock 'n' Roll born and what connection with the racial discrimination there’re. I think that all of them are useful for shifting the pain, distress and discontentment to citizens as the individual responsibilities, letting them turn their eyes away from the place the power is and be difficult to watch the figure of the people and structures exploiting themselves. And when a citizen come to have the power and stand in the class screwing out of others, or a person has the privilege as majority on a society, they are also useful for letting the one not become conscious of that.

    It’s been already more than half a century since the philosopher Jacques Derrida developed the idea of ‘Déconstruction’. It’s the dynamic act that ‘our own philosophical work is constantly destroying old structures and creating new ones’ ( Wikipedia ). It indicates to the way itself of suspecting the binary opposition that had been assumed in Western philosophy up to that time, such as the elimination of what is not true in order to discover truth, and turning one's gaze to the very foundation of that opposition and attempting to break up it. This way seems very useful for discussing the social situations and the problems of the social structures which drag us into the pits and make us not be able to move, but we’re not given the way during the above mentioned education’s processes. Children are unilaterally given the things that it’s said right, taught the way assimilating the right thought, not the one thinking things over by themselves, and sometimes they deny, ignore and convict the existence of the people running off and missed from that.

    In the movie ‘Fight Club’, Tyler Durden said, ‘You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your f***ing khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world’ and ‘We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off’. And he also said, ‘Self-improvement is masturbation. Now self-destruction’, he dismissed the one who work out not to fight and threw himself into exchanging blows with others, and then, he tried to destroy the capitalist society including himself as the by-product of it, having the recognition that ‘we're the by-products of a lifestyle obsession’.It’s the act that can be described as Déconstruction by the radical minimalist and activist.

    There’s the similar thing in my heart to the urge leading him committing terrorist acts in this work. At the same time, there’s the prayer that all human beings could live together as theirselves. I’ve made music with my torn ego, and it's my fight. So this is the song of fighting.

    Who the hell makes you have your hands full with your daily life and robs you of your vigor? The jerks whose face you can’t figure out have robbed you of what should have made you a human being, and are you truly satisfied with the ‘sensible life’ which is made by robbing the others whose faces we can’t figure out of the dignity and time as human beings. Huh? There’s nothing you can do? It’s just silly thing said by the one of the life form who will die someday as you. At the same time, it’s also the silly saying that you’re a special and worthy human being. All human beings are the existence that just exist equally, expecting the result of the death, and we do or do not. Don’t get into your head and stay the same place. In short, it means going rotten. If you stay, go to hell. And then, be born again. You, and me both.

    ―― I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let… lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may (Tyler Durden)


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