check the op's history
Again, please stop trying to paint me as hating a group because I am willing to point out their successes and downfalls both. You cannot pretend that everyone else does not exist or succeed just because you love a group. This is literally a group that if you do look at my full history I have defended against blind hate on numerous occasions, plead my love for, started numerous appreciation threads for and made multiple 5 minute or longer remixes that I have spend days upon days on for because I love them. This group debuted as I was recovering from being sexually assaulted, and having had a child die in my arms as a result months later. The song Stay literally kept me from giving up on life at one point and I had it on repeat for months as I was homeless and had to walk 6 miles to work in order to be able to pay for me to rent one bedroom in someone else's home in the middle of Saint Louis. Please do not paint me as hating Blackpink.