Certifications measurements are based on population and the size of the industry everywhere but Gaon.
The US has the biggest market and platinum is just 1M.. in korea it’s 2.5M which is ridiculous. With a population of just over 50M, the next highest certification is 5x. The fact that no one has gotten these certifications should tell them they’re to high.
Gaon digital certifications should be similar to their physical certifications
Platinum- 250k
2x platinum- 500k
3x platinum 750k
1Million - 1M
5Million - Diamond
They also should update older songs since they already have the fucking data, it’s not like they give out plaques so what’s the issue? Gaon lowkey made themselves irrelevant, they’re suppose to be the equivalent of billboard but people care more about melOn charts.
The fact that they also removed sales figures and don’t update older songs so now BTS older songs can’t be updated.. this fucks up BTS total global record sales. I know they’ve sould close to 20m digitals in korea alone.