Need to move all my naked chic and action movie links to a safe space.…t-your-browser-bookmarks/
Need to move all my naked chic and action movie links to a safe space.
"Google is killing its now-ancient and practically unknown Google Bookmarks service. It's niche, but Google Bookmarks actually dates back to 2005 and let you save a URL together with a name, label, and notes to the big, scary, 2005-era cloud. In fact, Bookmarks may even have some more recent data from you whether you've even used it or not, as it seems to pull some info for starred locations from Google Maps. But, as the header at the service's site states, Google Bookmarks will "no longer be supported" after September 30th, 2021, and the company confirms to us that your starred locations in Maps won't be affected.
Before you freak out and ask: This will not affect your Chrome bookmarks, Edge bookmarks, Firefox bookmarks, or likely any browser bookmarks you care about or even know you have."
Basically, there's so need to worry about the bookmarks we have saved in Chrome and other places.…t-your-browser-bookmarks/
Need to move all my naked chic and action movie links to a safe space.
I would ask but given your propensity to post various FOOD related topics I think I'll pass
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