The article is from the one who shall not be named that starts with a k. The highschooler had also covered asap a while ago.
Recently, her unique brand of amazing dance skills and humorous approach went viral again when she covered TWICE‘s “Alcohol-Free”. She started the video off hilariously with a sip of “alcohol”.
Her transitions are astounding. Many have been praising her for her flexibility as well.
She ends off with a dance in front of her school with friends before cutting back to her life as a student.
Her dance cover has been receiving high praise from netizens.
- “Is she originally a dancer? Her dance moves look so refreshing and good.”
- “I feel like my mood lifted while watching her.”
- “She’s such a good dancer and her friends behind are cute too.”
- “She has so much charm.”
It seems that even TWICE can’t resist her charms. Chaeyoung posted a link to the video on Dear. U Bubble, which was screenshotted and reposted by Seoin. Chaeyoung had complimented her with, “This person dances really well. She covered our song.”
| @sam0mite/Instagram
Here's the twt version of the video: